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The teacher starts her beginning of the year speech, when, a boy enters the class. I look at him, his eyes staring back at me. Mrs. Fields shoots him a dirty look, signaling him to sit down quickly. He stammers over and sits next to me. Great, I thought, as i rolled my eyes. He looks over at me grabbing my attention; I turn my head towards him.

"Hey, my names Will. I hope you don't mind me sitting here there's really nowhere else." He finishes with a big smile. I shake my head.

"I don't mind as long as you don't bring attention to me, i enjoy being under the radar." he nods in agreement, and my attention is back on Mrs. Fields speech. The class goes on just fine and we start our first lesson, which is just review from what we learnt last year. Finally the bell goes, I'm the first out of the class. thankfully. The rest of the day goes by just like a normal day, catch up with my friends at lunch, meet all my teachers and listen to their speeches. It goes by pretty quick, when the final bell goes for the end of the school day, I pack my stuff and slowly start to make my way to the back exit, when, out of no where a tenth grader, I think, zooms past me causing my bag to fall spilling out everything; I bend down picking my junk off of the floor, Will from first class notices and decides to join me.

"Thanks....... Will." I give an awkward smile. He smiles back. I continue walking forward, quicker now. I just wanna get to my car put on some music and go home. At last after what felt like an hour, I reach my car unlocking the door and taking a seat. I take my bag and check if I have everything. 

"More or less, everything important is here." I say to myself as I toss it onto the passenger seat. The drive home was peaceful. Just barely missed the traffic. After a minute of fidgeting with the house key I unlock the door walking into the house, the smell of lasagna and garlic bread invade my nostrils.

"Mama, I'm home!" I yell out, not a minute goes by and she answers.

"Hi, dinner will be ready in five minutes, if that's okay?"   

"Yeah that's fine. Is Leon home?" I ask as I walk up the three steps entering the kitchen.

"No, he's going to his friends he asked if you could pick him up around 6:00 tonight." I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah sure no problem." My mom gives me a big smile. I grab two plates, two forks and knives; setting the table as my mom brings the steaming lasagna and warm garlic bread. We start to eat, as we eat we make small talk about our days and what happened, if anything happened. We finish eating and I wash the dishes, when I finish I look at the clock on the microwave, 5:30. Puling my phone out I unlock it and star typing my brother a text.

'Hey mom told me to pick you up at 6:00 so send me your location so i can know when to leave' I wait a minute after sending it, he sends me his location and I only grab the essentials. Keys, phone, and wallet. Why do all his friends live on the opposite side. 

"I'm going to pick Leon up. Be home soon." I walk out the door and go to my car, stepping into my car,  starting it up and putting it into drive. 

When I get to the location I shoot a text to my brother that I'm here so he knows to leave. I see him emerge from the large mansion like house, two other boys accompany him; I unlock the car to let him in.

"Hey" Leon says as he fits himself into the car, I smile at him.

"How was being at your friends?" His face turns red, He lets out a grunt.

"All my friends think you're hot, and, they won't shut up about it!" Laughter escapes my lips and his redness continues to travel, but, eventually he starts to laugh with me. The car ride home is a fun time, we blast music singing and making up little dances. When we arrive home he thanks me for picking him up.

"You should thank mom for letting you hang out with your friends" I tell him, he nods with a smile. We exit the car, closing the doors at the same time. When we walk into the house Leon is the one to inform my mom we made it home. As I bolt to the basement. I go straight for the remote and turn the TV on and start a random show. Pulling my phone out, I start checking my Instagram. After hours of mindlessly being on my phone, I decide to get ready and go to bed. I fall asleep the instant my head touches my pillow.  

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