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I'm running, darkness surrounding me. Why am I running? What am I running from? I trip and fall turning around. A man is standing towering me, his face mangled skin just barely hanging on. He extends his hand to help me up. Fear takes over my body, I can't move, frozen, I'm trying to scream or make any sound but all you can hear is my shaky breathe. He tries to say something, but I can't understand. When a bright light starts to appear from the right. Coming closer, quicker than i can move, if i could move, then a loud noise and.

I'm in my bed cold sweat all over me. I decide to get out and I walk to the washroom, washing my face I look in the mirror.

"It was just a dream, nothing to think about." I change out of my pajamas and put a pair of sweat pants and a sweat shirt on, that i grabbed from my chair. I quietly walk up the stairs watching my surroundings, making sure I don't wake anyone up. I get to the top of the stair and make a left, grabbing my shoes I leave the house. The air is cool, it's a sweet kiss on my warm skin. I walk a few blocks down the street to the small man-made pond, I take a seat on the nearest bench. I look at the pond, captivated by my thoughts.

"It's beautiful isn't it." A deep voice says quietly. My head turns towards him. His face barley visible, but the light from the moon shows that he's taller. Seems to be in his twenty's, but of course i could be very wrong. He's very attractive though.

"Sorry I didn't notice, you. I can move if you want." I can feel the blood rushing to my face causing it to turn red, thankfully you can't see it that well in this lighting. He smirks.

"No it's fine. It makes everything more beautiful if I'm honest here" I can feel my face turning even more red. He scratches his head as he smiles towards me. 

"Do you say this to all the girls that you meet at night." I giggle, he joins me.

"No, usually no one is here at this time. At least not any pretty girls like yourself that I can try and flirt with." his hand holds the back of his neck like he doesn't know if he said the right thing. My smile grows.

"Well..... You're doing pretty okay so far." I reassure him. his body relaxes a bit.

"My name's Joji." he extends a hand I grab it and we shake, without letting go i tell him my name.

"Aster, my mom loves the flowers"

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He leans in towards me.

"This is an awkward and strange question, but, can I kiss you." our eyes meet, both of us slowly moving closer until, our lips meet. The kiss lasts a minute or two, it's hard to pull away but we manage. He pulls out his phone and we exchange numbers. As I get up to leave I tell him.

"I'm not a booty call, so if that's your intention don't text me" 

"Nope, that part of my life is over" I didn't think about that too long and walked home. I enter the house and go to my room, falling asleep on the couch.

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