Ad & Ann: Abandoned.
Adrian: That was one great performance! I made it rock.
Annah:Hey yea sure it was great, the crowd loved us.
Adrian: I was the real deal hun.
Annah: Why the huge ego?
Adrian: It's not ego, just the truth, nothing but the truth.
(he pokes her shoulder)
Annah: Oh, well, Keep kidding yourself. You and I both know that your statement makes no sense.
Adrian: Okay what is your deal Ann, why have been all over my business of late?
Annah: Beacuse you know that I'm right. I mean, you want to say that if you were in it alone you would still have made that awesome performance?
Annah: The show only happened because we all stood out as a team. Take back that statement and thank your other band members, you know you need us.
Adrian: Thanks but no thanks hun. I know you want the best for me, you're my girl. The best however is reaching for the stars, shining as bright as I can, with you by my side.
Annah: What's that supposed to mean?(he chuckles mocking her furry) Fine! Do as you please, go ahead, reach for the stars with all your might but I won't stand by your egoistic self. Not anymore.
I shall stay here, make the sun our band, the constilation will be the band members and surrounding us love, happiness and everlasting friendship. That's all we ever wanted anyway! You have however betrayed what we all stood up for, taken a path of your own.
Adrian: I'm sorry if you feel that way, but...
Annah: But nothing! I give you my blessing, go to the world and reach for this star you crave for.
Adrian: If that's what you want, I shall do exactly that.
Annah: No, that's what you want and still do and clearly you're ready to leave. Trust me hun you'll be played, I tell you, that man in a suit will swindle away your talent just to enrich himself.
He killed and bribed to get the diamonds on his finger for all we know. That shiny watch on his wrist, tells that there's no time you'll possess to be your own.They will own you.
After you're gone, you'll miss this life you're leaving behind.
(He tosses his guitar in his car together with his belongings ready to take off.)
Adrian: Shut up Ann. We are done.
Annah: And you were only waiting until this performance to tell me about your depature. Wow, that's just...just cruel Ad.
(Ann wipes a tear.)
Adrian: I knew this was how you'd react.
Annah:Go to hollywood, do as you please with yourself.
(He kisses her on the cheek:Betrayal that was.)
Adrian: I took the deal, I can't look back, and I'm sorry if it has to end like this.
If we have to end it this way.
Annah:I haven't ended anything you just did with your Judas kiss. I hate you.
Adrian: Goodbye Anna. I love you, forever and always.
Annah: Love is not a lie, this has all been a one huge lie.
(He walks away, doesn't look back. A tear drop falls on her cheek, she angrily wipes it away. Her fellow band members gather to console her. )
She's that abandoned girl.
A/N: Thanks guys for checking out this part :)
This was a play I thought of more as betrayal in the case of bands where the lead singer ditches his/her band cause he gets a better deal.