Chapter 2 - Doing the chores!

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  Today Valentine seemed really happy in the morning, he told me yesterday that we were having guests at night time, I asked myself what kind of people would come here, maybe someone who also runs a really successful business? Someone rich? A member of his family?

   I was washing Valentine's clothes while thinking about it until he pulls me out of nowhere to the living room while growling something that I couldn't understand, he seemed mad about something... He then pushes my head close to a chest of drawers making my neck hurt by the position I'm in.

"Do you see this? What did I told you yesterday at night? I NOT leave anything to be cleaned, you worthless piece of garbage."

  He then hit my head on it, making me cry because of the pain that it caused by him using so much strength, he gave me a stare and then dropped my head letting me keep a little away from him, I was so scared I felt my legs head was hurting...

"I told you, didn't I?"

  He asked me waiting for an answer, I nodded and answered him a really small "yes" silently while looking at my hands afraid that I would give any eye contact to him, he then proceeds to swipe his finger at a cupboard full of glass figures that looked like they were made of expensive crystals.

"And another one with dust...Don't you feel ashamed?  What's today's excuse for this Sophie? That you didn't know the furniture was to be cleaned? I told you clearly that it was supposed to be..."

"I was hungry sir...I forgot to clean them because of my hunger..."

  I answered quickly but still silently to not give any signs of disrespect, fear then was consuming me once he pushed me against the wall and started to choke me with one hand while the other one was making pressure against my body, his grip was tight making me lose oxygen and making me feel dizzy.

"Yesterday I didn't eat all day long too, I didn't ask you to make dinner to not be making you do so many tasks at the same time and to spare your energy, is this how you treat people that only want the best for you?"

  Oh no...Valentine didn't eat because of me and yet I didn't do the job right...I felt like complete garbage at that moment, taking advantage of my boyfriend...I'm not supposed to act like this! I was acting like a complete spoiled girl while my boyfriend was starving...

"You're lucky I'm going to get guests here at night, or else I would had beaten your ugly and miserable face."

   He lets me out abruptly and looks at me like he wanted to cut my head away from my neck and use it as a trophy, He then calmed himself down and told me to go dry his clothes that were at the washing machine and then when I would be done, to also put some makeup on and a nice dress to look presentable for the guests.

   When he left I got myself into work! I went to get the clothes into a basket and went to dry them outside, I took a lot of time to finish that since I took some breaks since there was a lots of clothes to dry and also because I wanted to look at the people who passed by on the street...I saw in total 5 women, 8 men, 2 elderly people and 3 young couples holding hands and telling each other how much they loved each other...

   I would really love if Valentine was like that to me...It's been 4 years since the last time he was nice and gentle with me...He used to buy me chocolate and really expensive clothes when I used to still live with my mother, But until now I still don't understand what I did wrong, he stopped giving me presents, he started to get easily angry and annoyed with me, and never let me call him by his own name or even any sweet nickname couples give each other, It's like he now hates me and is being forced to love me and stay with me.

   He started to go out at night alone without telling me anything about what he's gonna do just to go drink at some public houses and to meet some of his "precious" girls he's been with lately...It's like I'm just a doll to him...that he plays with when he gets bored and then throws me to the trash can and never comes back... I feel like he just uses me and lies to me that he wants the best for me...

" I wished to be prettier, maybe he wouldn't leave me so easily"; "Maybe if my chest was way bigger he would stay with me more times" ; " Maybe if I wasn't that anorexic he would actually want to hold me like them" ; " Maybe if I was smarter and actually did my job right he would treat me better"; "Maybe if I just...disappeared I wouldn't be a waste of space to him..."

  Those where the thoughts that were going around my head while I was doing my task, I took about 2 hours to do it because I kept going back and forth with this kinds of thoughts in my mind, I stopped many times just to sit at the stone walk and cry because of how much of a spoiled brat I am to him.

"He doesn't love you like before anymore, and that's your own fault..."

  I told to myself while coming back to his home, I looked up at the wall of the kitchen to notice it was already eight o' clock, I panicked and ran to my room where Valentine had left some new makeup in a nice and cute bag, "how nice" I thought but I quickly reminded myself that I've never used makeup in my entire life! How would I do this now?! So I dressed up a black dress really quick to not waste time, it was a simple but fancy looking dress that Valentine had bought me a long time ago luckly it was long enough to not show some bruises I have on my legs, he always tells me to wear black in special occasions, I then placed a black chocker around my neck to try to make Valentine have more attention on me and to look more elegant, and some nice black heels, it's been a while since I wore them, I almost fell when I walked to my bed, once I opened up the bag, the bell of the main door rang, oh no I was too late, now Valentine was going to answer and I still didn't place makeup on my face...

"Sophie! The guests are here! Hurry up and get here!"

  Valentine shouted from the hallway, Oh no, what will he do to me when he notices I'm not fully prepared? He's gonna hate me, I know he will, But There's no turning back, I stood up from my bed and walked up to the hallway, hopping he wouldn't hurt me once he notices.

Hi guys!
I got really happy by the nice feedback you guys gave me!
So I decided to post the rest of the pages that were left to write the 2nd chapter!
My school ends tomorrow/today? (it's 00:45am right now haha) so that means I have more time to finish more chapters! I'm so exited to finish them! See you in the next chapter!

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