Chapter 12: the park

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Jamison ^^^

I need your opinion on something but I'll talk about it more in the end.. it's about this story and its length.




Btw back to Lia's p.o.v



I saw Jacob walking out the door, and he stopped, he looked up, and his eyes widened, what is wrong? Then sad expression filled his face, what's happening over there?

"Jason, I'll be back in a sec" I walked to the entrance/exit, my mouth was wide open as well as my eyes. What the fuck?

Two boys, I recognized them as Jason's friends, Leo and Alvin, I think were holding a HUGE SIGN, written on it 'Amelia Wood, would you take the honor of being my girlfriend?'

I gasped, that's why Jacob was sad. I felt bad, I played him, and I don't play. "So?" I heard behind me.

"Jason?" I turned to him, frowning.

"What's wrong?" His eyes widened.

"I didn't mean to" my voice cracked.

"What?" He said confused.

"Jacob.. you shouldn't have asked me in the school but I appreciate it" I nodded. "And yeah, I'll take the honor of being your lovely perfect girlfriend"

"Finally" he grinned, walking closer to me. He kissed me, and I kissed back.


"So, a little bird told me that you're dating Jason now" Peter sat next to me on the couch.

"We are, never been happier" I smiled. Jake and Jack sat on the floor looking at us, then Chase and Chance walked in, sitting next to Peter. Owen and Grayson sat next to me. The only brothers were missing, were Alex, Anthony, and that asshole. 

"Are we late?" We turned to the door, to see Alex, Anthony and Jacob. Wow they replaced me with Jacob.

"Late for? You were never invited" I rolled my eyes.

"We don't need invitations, we are a part of this family, and we want to know what happened, and why are you all sitting together" Alex looked at all of us.

"We're talking about Lia's new boyfriend" Peter wiggles his eyebrows.

"You won't believe who's her boyfriend" Owen laughed.

"I know, Jason is" Jacob mumbled.

"What?!" Anthony and Alexander yelled.

"That's what happens when you disappear and do it" I crossed my arms.

"What did they do?" Owen raised a brow. "Still got no clue why you suddenly disliked them"

"Ask them" I shrugged.

"I saw the poster" Jacob whispered. "I can't believe you said yes"

"Believe it or not, I don't care" I shrugged.

"I mean.. aren't you two best friends? Don't you think if something happened to you, then not only the relationship will get ruined but also, the friendship you guys had before" I'll admit, he was kind of right, but I shook my head, removing the  thought from my head. "You said you needed a break from my mistakes, but it's funny how you use that time to have me replaced"

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