Chapter 15: car ride

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My parents just bought me IPhone X and guys I'm so happy! I appreciate everything they've done for me and bought for me! 🤩 I'm using iPhoneX to write this chapter!!!

So if u saw any spelling mistakes well excuse me, I'm still trying to get used to the keyboard.

Anyhoo.. btw it's still Jason's p.o.v



       They say 'you don't miss people unless you love them. And missing is just like waves' and right now, I'm drowning. It's been 3 whole week without Lia, and it's been a mess.

Her brothers are going crazy, they're all blaming Alex and Anthony. We're all looking for her, we all know that she's with Steve, but we don't know where exactly.

I sighed as I lied in my bed, I grabbed my phone from the nightstand, and called Owen.

"Hey" I can feel from his voice that he has been staying strong for his brothers' sake.

"So how are you guys holding up?" I asked.

"Ummm we're trying our best not to give up and you know..."

"I understand. Is Alex or Anthony with you?"

"No, why?"

"I remember Lia telling me after the incident that Alex and Anthony knew Steve and what he did, so maybe they know where he is hiding."

"They're a big trouble, I'll contact both of them now, and I'll check. Why don't you come over?"

"I'll be there in 5" we hang up, and I put on my shoes on. I ran out of my room, and I was stopped by my mother approaching.

"Jase, where are you going? You know that the.." my mother put her hands on her hips, then looked at my little brother. "They might be after you too, since you stood up for her brother."

"Even if they're after me, Mom! Lia is my girlfriend and I love her! So I'm going to save her, I have to save her before Jacob does" I said as I opened the door, and ignored my mother calling my name.


I knocked on the door, the door opened revealing, Chance - or Chase -, his eyes were red and puffy, he had a cigarette on his left hand, and his right hand was still on the knob.

"Oh, hey Jason" He smirked weakly at me.

"Look, my uncle and his crew are still out there looking for her, ok? I bet if she came back and saw what we're all doing she'd slap us all" I tried changing the mood.

"Only if she did come back" He sighed, letting me in. I walked in, and I can sense the negativity everywhere.

"Guys, you're not doing anything except spreading negativity! We'll go look for her now, if you want! Just don't act as if it is over" I almost yelled.

"What do you want us to do? Huh? What? Aren't you the smart one?! Come on!" Owen yelled at me.

"I'm saying we all can help each other to save her" I said calmly, not wanting to lose it.

"Are you the kid that believes in teamwork?" Peter glared at me. "Because it's shit!"

"GUYS!" The door shot opened, Jacob was breathing heavily. "I found her"

"WHERE?!" All 6 of her brothers walked up to Jacob, surrounding him.

"Under - the - abandoned hospital" He coughed.

My whole world fell apart, now she's going to love Jacob for saving her, why am I so positive? Why do I always care to put someone up before me? Why do I love and care about people? Why do I help people when I had to save Lia?

"Jason? You coming?" Owen raised a brow at me, I shook my head so the thoughts would leave my head.

"I'll call my uncle and let him know," I grabbed my phone from the pocket.

"No, we don't want no one to know" Owen shook his head.

"Owen, those men have guns! You might die if you go there without guns!" I spat.

"We'll die, but we'll get Lia out of that hell place" Peter shrugged. "Let's go guys, let's not waste a minute with Jason when we can save Lia"

"Right" everybody left, leaving me behind. I had two choices, whether to go with them or call the police.

I'm going to do the right thing.


Jacob's p.o.v

      As I drive to the place where I found out that Lia was in there, memories came back to me. I saw a couple of the same men walking inside of that place, and I followed.

"Where is Alex and Anthony?" Owen asked, sitting on the passenger seat.

"I don't know," I shrugged. And lied. I know exactly where they are and what they're doing.

"Aren't You their best friend?" Peter raised a brow.

"I am, but they've been hiding a lot from me that's why I love hanging out with Lia" I sighed.

"They've been hiding a lot of things from all of us, they think we don't notice but we do" Owen looked at me from the backseat.

"I really want to know what they've been up to" Peter mumbled.

"We should've forced Jason to come with us, now he probably called the cops" Owen groaned.

"Do you think Lia will be better off with Jason? I mean they just met, how come she fell in love so fast?" I kept my eyes on the road.

"True, but Jason is different. If you can't see it, we all can, he's a good guy, he tried so hard looking for her, and he tried so hard to stay strong" Owen explained.

"Look at me, I'm the one who found Lia, I've been with you trying to look for her, I was there for you all, especially Alex and Tony, they've been crying for forever" I scrunched my nose up, mad expression on my face.

"If you liked her this much, you should've made the first move but even if you did, we would not allow that since we think of you as a brother and so does she" Chase finally spoke up.

If you didn't notice that, Chance, Grayson, Jake and Jack are in another car.

"No, she doesn't. I ruined it, I asked her, but something happened that made me creeped out and so I lost contact with her for a week or two, and they're right when they say 'you never realize what you got until it's gone'."

"Sad to break it for you, but you lost your chance" Owen patted my shoulder.

I sighed as I pulled over to the place.

Amelia Wood, I'm here to save you.


I'm sorry for the long wait, I've been going out a lot lately and I always forgot to update.

And I was excited more than usual tbh.

PLEASE VOTE! This time no picture because I honestly don't want to save a lot of pictures in this new amazing phone!

PLEASE COMMENT!! I'm stuck between Jason and Jacob.

Thank you

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