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The things that come out of your mouth.
The way we communicate
Is it really the only way
Do words always have to be involved?
Words hurt more than they heal
Words bring sadness
Words bring tears
And worst of all words bring pain
The neverending bruise on your stomach
Of the many times words have come and
Punched you
Kicked you
Hurt you ...
I wish I could change what people say
I would be better by now
Instead of throwing me down they could be picking me up
Instead of spitting in my face
They could be bringing a washcloth and wipe it clean.
But the scars are still there
Even after hearing the most overused 5-letter word,
Sorry won't cut it anymore, it cuts deeper.
It is so overused to the point where
It no longer has a meaning
The words that come out of your mouth hurt.
More than a knife being held behind your left shoulder
Slowly pushing in after every word
Going deeper and deeper
To depths never reached before
Those words hurt more than anything
Those words slowly eat at your mind
The echo of those words reflect on your eyes
Those words bounce off the sides of your brain never stoppng
Always moving
Always there.
Always active.
Words never leave they become part of you
They become tattoos
Engraved in your skin
Black ink and bold letters
Nothing new, but all the same
I'm not sure about your words
But mine are engraved on my wrists
Words broke my heart and led me to believe of what wasn't there
It was all a lie
Yet I lived in that fantasy
That I was ugly
That I was unwanted
That I am unwanted.
It was all a trick of the letters
Because there is no light
A dyslexic's worst nightmare.

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