Chapter 3

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"Emmalina! You're going to be late!" I grunt and check the time and it's only 5:30 in the morning. 

"Oh come on!" I yell back at Ezera.

"Get up!" he comes into the room and pulls the blankets off of me. 

"Fine." I sit up and he walks out and I get into the shower and I wait for the water to warm up but it doesn't. 

"Hey Ezera!" I grab a robe and cover myself. 

"What?" He raises his brow at me.

"Why isn't the water getting warm?" 

"I don't know. It was like that when I took one." 

"Well I can't shower in cold water."

"It isn't going to kill you." 


"Sooo get in the shower princess and hurry up. We have to leave in ten."


"No, hours." 

"You can drop the tone okay you pest."

"Honey have you looked around lately? You have no right to call me that. Now go shower or go get dressed. I'll go talk to the landlord later okay." He rolls his eyes and I grunt and go and change into my uniform if anything I can shower in the afternoon before dinner.

"Ready." I sigh putting on my gun vest. 

"Wow look at you." He looks really nice black dress pants and black dress jacket with the school logo on it and a navy green striped tie with a black button up. 

"Shut up at least you are use to it." My uniform is black skirt, with black button up, black blazer with a navy green tie and black leggings with black flats. 

"Don't worry you can get out of them half your day." He winks. And he isn't wrong because when we are outside we have to wear navy green cargo pants, with a black tank top or t-shirt tucked in with a beige belt with black combat boots.

"Laugh it up." I walk away and he trails behind me. 

"So why can't you dye your hair?" He asks as we walk to the campus. 

"Um I have these super powers given to me from my great grandmother and every time I try to dye it, it just goes back to black." 

"You can do magic on your own?" 

"Shh. Secret between you and I."

"Now I understand how you could use all those powers without pushing any buttons." 

"Mhm." I smile and I frown yet again as we walk into the academy and everyone stares at us. 


"See you later." He walks away and I just walk straight to my class. I make it and see the class full except maybe two seats. 

"Can I sit here?" I ask looking at the guy and he checks me out and licks his lip. 

"Seat is taken but you can sit on my lap if you want." He winks at me and I make a disgust face. 

"No thanks, I rather sit on the floor." I wink and his smile drops and his friends start making fun of him. 

"You can sit here." I turn to see this really shy group of girls. 

"Thank you." I smile. 

"See you got a taste of the dumbass!" A blonde girl stands in front of my desk and says out loud. 

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