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A little while later you got tired, and went to bed but couldn't sleep because Pete was now constantly banging around the house, since he was now a vampire, he couldn't control himself and had to use all of his energy up at night, you checked your phone and it was already 1:00 A.M. you also had a text from Patrick

Patrick: how are you doing? I mean you know with Pete being a vampire now and all? Are you scared at all?

You: I'm good, I'm not scared, just can't sleep because he's running around the house like a maniac.

Patrick: geez that must suck, if you need anything just call me okay?

You: okay, I'm just going to try to go to sleep.

Patrick: okay.

By about four Pete started being quieter, and only limited his footsteps to meer tiptoeing,the light tapping against the wood somehow soothed you, and you fell asleep. You didn't wake up until around 11:00. A.M. and went downstairs, the whole house was dark because Pete had gotten pissed off by the sunlight and closed the curtains, by now he was asleep but jumped up after realizing he had to go to the studio again. "Oh good morning Pete." You said "why is it so bright?" He asked "why do I feel different?" He asked "oh, you were attacked by some vampires and they changed you." You said moving a lock of hair away from his face to discover that his eyes were red. A look of fear grew onto your face and Pete realized it and ran to the mirror "what the hell!" He yelled "what?" You asked "why am I like this now, what happened?" He said already choking on tears "I told you Pete, they changed you." You said "but I'm so ugly, on the inside and outside, I used to want to save lives and keep myself away from losing more blood, now I just want to end lives and get more blood." He said, his legs started quaking and he fell to the ground blacking out for about a minute "what happened?" He asked "I don't know I was going to ask you that." You said "I just remember feeling like I couldn't support myself." He said "I've gotta get to the studio, but is there anything you can make for me to stop or slow down my urge for blood?" He asked "I'll se what I can do." You said "okay bye." He said, before he stepped out the door you told him something "oh and remember Pete, even if now you're a creature with fangs and red eyes, I still, and will always love you." You said "thanks y/n." He said.

Pete's POV

I started driving to the studio, and started feeling like I was going to burn to a crisp so I had to stop and pull my hoodie over my head which was kinda dangerous because the light changed when I was still getting it on and I almost got rear-ended. When I arrived st the studio, I was pulled into the basement "glad you're back." William said "the hell do you want?" I asked "I just want you to help us deafeat the vampire hunters, you're strong enough." He said "no." I said punching him then sinking my fangs into his skin, I was satisfied when I finally got some blood out of him, I sank them in harder, and just almost killed him before the whole group came after me, I just threw my sunglasses on my face and opened the door which got them all retreated into the deeper parts of the basement and I ran out to the studio. "Oh my god what happened to you?!" Joe and Andy screamed "of course all you two are going to do is judge me." I said hissing "calm down Pete." Patrick said patting my shoulder "thanks Patrick." I said "of course it's no problem." He said "so what exactly happened, why are you Andy and Joe you know fighting each other now?" He asked "guys why don't you tell him." I hissed "Shut up Pete." Andy said "what was that?!" I hissed walking closer to him "I said shut up." He said "you don't know who I am now, I have the thirst for blood, and you'd be just the right person." I said baring my fangs "Pete cut it out!" Joe yelled "it's not his fault Andy pushed him to do it." Patrick defended "are you sure you're not just trying to sound intimidating?" Andy asked pushing me even further "do you want to be dead before our new album comes out?" I asked glaring him straight in the eye and I guess I have a lot to learn from my new powers, after intesly staring at him for about thirty seconds I blinked hard and it sent him flying back. "Scum." I said and walked away. "Pete you need to stop letting this get a hold of you." Patrick said "I know but I just can't, it's controlling me, I'm scared Patrick." I said "why?" He asked "I'm going to hurt someone, it might be y/n, it might be You, and it might be Andy and Joe." I said "but you don't like Andy and Joe." He said "that doesn't mean I'd kill them." I said. My instincts started kicking in again, and me and Patrick were alone, I couldn't control myself, and I jumped at Patrick, stabbing my fangs into the side of his neck. He began to scream, and before I realized what I had done, it was to late, I had already stolen some of his blood, and I just couldn't do it, I ran out before anyone could find me, and ran somewhere far far way from here, I didn't know where, I just knew I was going somewhere, eventually I ended up in a tiny place, it was small, but beautiful, it was just countryside, and orange and red trees everywhere, I sat down by the side of a pond, and I started thinking, was this really what destiny chose for me? Would I even be able to control myself? Why did it have to happen to me, what did I ever do to deserve this, what if I had just let the vampires devour me? Would I ever have had to become what I am now? I sat on the side of a fence, and out of no where this huge beige horse ran over to where I was and literally just threw me on top of him, and started running around the field, it was scary at first, but I started getting the hang of it, I was just sitting on it while it was running around the field, and I was not prepared for what happened next, because that thing jumped the fence and started running down the side of the little road, what the hell did destiny hold for me this time?

A/N yeah the chapter kinda sucked, and I get it, also I've been starting to add chapter names, I've got it for 1-4 but I don't have any ideas for 5-20 (this chapter) any suggestions?

You Saved Me Pete Wentz X Reader Book 1Where stories live. Discover now