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A/N can we appreciate how done with life Mikey looks in these pictures?

A/N can we appreciate how done with life Mikey looks in these pictures?

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This ones my personal favorite

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This ones my personal favorite

Sorry now into this chapter also merry Christmas Eve 

"So what's the plan exactly?" Y/n asked "I already told you." I said "oh right." She said when the paparazzi saw us sitting by the fountain they got in position, and that was when I made my move, we leaned our faces close together and touched noses, then we kissed, my god I wish we did that more often, their cameras started flashing, and we attracted a lot of attention from them, and finally after a while, they got their cameras away, and the crowd backed away except for one familiar face back there... why did he show up almost everywhere? "Hey Mikey." I said patting the side next to y/n so she would be in the middle.

Mikey's POV

A/N real quick, for some reason like only if I put Mikey's POV it wants to correct it to "Mikey's POVERTY" wtf aoutocorrect.

Geez how did I always end up finding Pete and y/n somewhere? Meh I guess it's just my dumb self. I glanced over at Pete who invited me to sit next to y/n, and I sat down, Pete glanced worriedly at y/n who was sitting there just staring, most likely in a trance, Pete waved his hand in front of her and I did the same but nothing happened, then just like that her eyes changed to be like those of a worried child, she looked like she had gotten lost in whatever she was thinking of, out of no where she jumped and snapped out of it "oh um hi Mikey." She said "hi, are you okay?" I asked "huh oh oh yeah." She said, I learned a lot from myself, because I learned how to tell something in a persons voice when they're lying to themselves and others... it was something I did a lot, and I picked that up in her tone "look I don't want to be annoying, but I know you're not telling us the truth, lying isn't going to get you out of... anything, well it might, but the truth comes out eventually, but it's best to always be honest and tell us what's going on." I said patting her shoulder "how do you know so much about this?" She asked "I do it more than you think." I said "so for real what's been going on?" I asked "Well Pete already knows, but for the effort you've been putting in to helping me you deserve to know. The truth is Mikey... my whole family is dead now except for me, both of my parents were killed in accidents yesterday, and I'm an only child." She said "or was it an accident?" She asked "look that's hard, but death is natural, and you can't rewrite what already happened, when something dies you've gotta look back and say "what can I learn from that?" And then you don't make the same mistake again." I said "the only mistake was you." She snapped, that hurt in all ways "I'm sorry but what did I ever do to you, all I've ever tried being to you is nice, but some people can't appreciate that can they?" I said, you've gotta stay tough you idiot, they can't see how mentally weak you are. The stupid voice in my head said "what nice have you been to me but give me pep talks and lousy advice?" She said "you know she's not wrong." My voice said again "I didn't realize how bad this advice was to you, but I've been doing whatever it takes to help you out, you just can't take it can you?" I said, she was just like me, she didn't want to be helped by others, I could read her like a book, because I have the same problems, I was already starting to get nervous because without realizing it I let out a shaky breath, and started breathing heavy "You think you can read me don't you?" She asked, I pressed my foot on the ground and answered "you don't know me y/n, you don't know what I go through and what I happens to me, we have more in common than you think, and as much as you hate to admit it, I can read you." I said, wait where was Pete in all this? I glanced around and saw him asleep stretched out on the park bench snoring, "you don't know me either, Mikey." She said "I don't, but at least I don't deny things." I said "look, Mikey, believe what you want, but I can't be read." She said "I can read you, how else did I know you were lying yesterday?" I asked, she dropped her face to a frown "oh right..." she said, she had a face like she wanted to cry, and I wanted to comfort her but she wouldn't let me, I just wish she wasn't as arrogant as she is, it would be easier for me, or anyone to help her, I thought of waking up Pete, but he would eat me if I did... he was now a vampire anyways. I thought twice but went with what my gut said, I leaned over and gave her a hug, she jumped, but a few moments later she figured I was trying to help, and she gave in hugging me back, a few moments later, we let go "I don't know you Mikey, but I would like to know you better... you know as friends." She said "of course I'd love to know you better too." I said "so friends?" She asked "we'll see but mostly yes." I said, and for one last time she gave me a hug, "oh right I have to wait for Pete to wake up which won't be till like sunset." She said "then I should stay with you... I don't want you to be all alone, especially out here at night." I said "ya know Mikey... I'd like that." She said "great!" I said then I reached over and threw a snowball at her "what was that for!" She yelled "why not?" I asked "now your going to get it Michael James Way!" She yelled "oh shoot I'm dead!" I screamed, I didn't die but I sorta went blind after she threw a snowball in my face and it knocked off my glasses and I stepped on them.

Pete's POV

I fell asleep, and I had a dream, I couldn't tell what kind it was, but I was scared of it. In it, it was y/n and Mikey, they were having an all out snowball war, that wasn't weird, but it got weirder, y/n looked sad, and she whispered something to Mikey, "I miss him too." Was all I heard Mikey say "why don't we visit his grave?" She asked "that's a good idea." He said, they put in their jackets and stuff, and walked to the graveyard, and they were holding hands, when they got there, they stopped off at a gravestone, and she started crying, Mikey just had the same unreadable face as always, and I saw the gravestone "here lies Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III, died while protecting his girlfriend y/n l/n." That's what it said... I had died protecting her... and it was there to haunt her "so what was it like?" Mikey asked, she started sobbing and barely could say "it was horrible, that guy he just pulled out a gun on me, and when he was about to shoot Pete jumped in front of me, and then everything was red, I..I think it was blood, but I passed out from seeing all of it, and the next thing I knew I was at his funeral." She cried even harder into his chest, and for the first time, since he was like six, he started crying, and his face showed different emotion, he was crying but his face was like he was going to kill the guy who killed me "my cousin never deserved to die that way, he was supposed to live a long happy life." He said "I know, but the asses of this world, they need to burn in the deepest parts of hell!" She screamed. Mikey hugged her and wrapped his arms around her neck "you'll be okay right?" He asked "no... no I won't be okay." She said "look Pete would've wanted you to try and fix yourself, and find someone new... and although it's going to be hard...I just want you to know that I'll be here for you... and I'm devoted to help you recover from this, and I know it's scaring... but we all need to be unashamed and show them... it's what makes us... well us." He said "right thanks Mikey." She said. The dream had a major time skip, and it was like one or two years after I died, "how are you doing y/n?" Mikey asked her "I'm still scared... what if I lose you now?" She asked... I didn't know what happened.. but Mikey said it "look... now that we're together you can't be scared that it's going to happen to me, because you can't focus on what's going to happen in the future, it's about us now, and we'll think about the future when it comes." He said "that's what I used to tell Pete!" She said "oh wow, why did he think that?" He asked "because of when Pete was depressed he said "what if I just slip and fall off of that little piece of life I'm still holding onto and kill my self?" And I told him that." She said. It looked like a lot happened after I died, especially y/n and Mikey getting together. "Let's go outside." Mikey said "why?" She asked "I just want to do something." He said "why is this rope tied to a tree?" She asked "I wasn't well the last time I was out here, the last time I was here it was only for me to kill myself... but then I got the call that Pete was killed, I knew I couldn't leave this place because it would leave you alone, and I couldn't take it if you were alone... I mean walking this world alone." He said "look, Mikey if you killed your self I would go crazy, the death of my boyfriend and the death of my at the time closest friend." She said "I know we mean a lot to you... but why did the guy try to kill you in the first place?" He asked "he was an asshole he was a murder, I didn't know him but he had something against me." Y/n said "oh" he said "anyways why didn't you bring me out here?" She asked "you sit down and I'll show you." He said "I'll be right back." He said, a few moments later, he came back, he had a leash and on the end of it was (favorite dog breed) "oh my god Mikey! Are you for real!" She yelled running to the dog and he jumped on her "I'm gonna teach him how to dance to our songs!" He said "I do not want my dog to learn how to blast loud mcr in the middle of the night." She said "although that would be cool... like an alarm clock!" Mikey said "I'm talking about like three in the morning." She said "oh like that that's to early but I'm still gonna teach him that." He said. The dream ended, and in the end, y/n and Mikey got married, and yes he did teach the dog to dance to mcr. At the wedding the dog was dancing, and the dream cut off when they kissed so I have no idea what happened. I jumped up and saw how the dream started, Mikey and y/n we're having a snowball war... and I even got snow on me "wait for me!" I yelled throwing one right into y/n's face..

A/N that's the chapter, it was odd, but yeah Merry Christmas Eve anyways.

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