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Eventually when y/n woke up she explained that she was trying to make me something, but it burned  and she passed out from panic. So I decided to call everybody else to my house for the party. "Yo Gee come to my house we're having a party again." I said "damn Pete do you have anything better to do?" He asked "well we're done with band practice so there's not much to do." I said "okay fine I'll be there cuz." He said "alright!" I said. After hanging up I called Mikey "hey Mikey we're having a party, come over." I told him "Pete you know I'm the super introverted one here, I can't do parties and you know that." He said "aww cuz come on it'll help you grow out of that." I said "sorry cuz I just can't do it." He said "come on, I'm gonna tell Gee to drag you then because he's coming, I want you to meet y/n!" I said "I already know how in love with y/n you are, I'd rather sit in bed in my hoodie and watch anime than be at your stupid parties!" He said "stop being so lazy!" I said "I'm not lazy, you know that I just can't do parties, I'm gonna fuck something up!" He said "who cares?" I said "okay fine I'll go." He said "good." I said. The house was fine from the fire, it was only the kitchen that got slightly burned, we just needed to redo the kitchen, so I would order a pizza, and some soda or something. About thirty minutes later everyone was there, except Gee and Mikey, I was worried they ditched, but a few moments later Gee came in dragging Mikey by the hair "glad y'all made it." I said "whoah cuz what the hell you have fangs?" Mikey said "yeah that's another story though." I said "well then." He said "anyways, this is y/n." I said "damn she's hot." He whispered to me "back off cuz." I said "shit sorry." He said. 

Your POV

I was sitting on the couch, with my face in Pete's chest, when all of a sudden, someone said hi, I looked up and saw Mikey "huh oh hi Mikey." I said "oh um hello." He said, gosh he was awkward "you already said that." I said "oh I did didn't I?" He said "yeah you did." I said "I'm intrested in something about you." He said "why would anyone be interested in me? What is it?" I asked, all of a sudden he reached out and touched my hair "what the!" I said "how do you get your hair to- you know what... never mind." He said gazing at Pete who was giving him the "don't fucking touch her" glare "sorry I'm so awkward." He said smacking him self in the neck "haha it's no problem." I said like I wasn't bothered by what he just did,which I was. Yeah he was cute and all, but I had Pete. Pete looked at me and smiled, that's when I remembered he could hear my thoughts. "Thanks for keeping yourself on my side." He whispered "yeah no problem." I thought.

Pete's POV

Later on everyone went outside, and I had my first encounter with Joe and Andy "so are your cousins vampires too?" They asked "oh my gosh can you guys please fucking stop!" I screamed "I dunno." Andy said, I wanted to kill something right now, but I couldn't because of my pact with Patrick, so I just shoved the closest person into the pool, which just so happened to be Mikey, after shoving him in he started screaming, and that's when I rembered something... he couldn't swim, "why the hell did you jump in the pool!" Gerard yelled at Mikey pulling him out of the water. After coughing for a long time he told him "it it wasn't me!" He said still shocked "and then who was it?" He asked "Pete!" He yelled, he put Mikey down and went towards me "why the hell did you do that!?" He sneered "b..because I just got mad." I said "AND YOU TOOK IT OUT ON MIKEY!" He yelled "I couldn't keep myself in!" I said "why did you take it out on him, why not the one who made you mad?" He asked "I dunno, but it's not the worst I could ever do." I said "and the worst thing you could do is?" He asked, I reached my face up (because Gee's three inches taller than me) "you see these things?" I asked showing him my fangs "now imagine them ripping into your flesh, that's the worst thing I could do, I can kill people like that Gee, I'm a changed person, and I'm dangerous." I said "that's the worst you could do?" He asked "yes...yes it is." I said, I walked away inside, and haha where did I find Mikey? Flirting with y/n, she looked super uncomfortable, and that's where I came in, I ran to the couch and jumped over the arm and wrapped myself around y/n "hey Mikey what ya been talking about?" I asked "huh oh um nothing." He said I leaned myself closer to him "I know exactly what you were doing, so if you don't mind cuz can you please stop, I'm her only one okay?" I Said "right I'm so sorry." He said with a hint of sadness in his tone "look Mikey someone will come for you one day, but it's not y/n, so although you may like her, she'd probably only become close to you in friendship and she'd become like a sister to you, that's the farthest you'll get with her, she becomes attached to people easy, and that's how it is with me right now, so if you don't mind please just stop." I said "okay sorry." He said "so can you tell me how you got fangs?" He added "I...I don't really like talking about it." I said "Okay cuz just take your time, if you feel like it you can tell me." He said, "that's the best part of you." I said patting his head. Out of no where, y/n came running at me, and jumped, I didn't know what she was trying to do, so I just stood there... until she pulled my shoulders down making me fall on top of her "okay let's give these two some privacy!" Brendon yelled "shut up!" I shouted "what do you want?" I said kissing the top of her head "I...I just can't take this anymore." She said, her voice was shaking like she was crying "what can't you take, I've never done anything." I said "it's...it's not that, it's not even about you, I just can't take my life anymore." She said "but... but why?" I asked. For a few moments she just stayed there letting tears roll down her face "my parents...they were both killed in a crash." She cried. I stood up and helped her up, and I locked eyes with her, she immediately moved her gaze away from me "hey look... look at me, you'll be alright, it happens to everyone whether it be the death of a friend, the death of a pet, the death of a family member, or the death of a loved one." I said

Your POV

"Or the death of a loved one." Pete said, that's when that snapped back into my mind... Pete was still not okay, he was still depressed, and although he tried to hide it and keep at the back of his mind, it was still there, Pete would get better eventually was what I kept telling myself, but from the looks of it, I don't think that's how it's going to go, and little did I know he would try to kill himself two more times. "It's stuck to me forever." I cried into his chest clenching my teeth onto the fabric of his hoodie keeping myself from screaming "death is stuck to you forever, but we don't have to be caged into it." He said. I stuffed my face back into his chest, I tried to keep myself from sobbing, and after taking a sharp breath everyone knew I was breaking down, the first person to run to me and ask if I was Okay was of course Mikey "are you okay?" He asked "yeah yeah I'm fine." I said "you're only lying to yourself." He said as if reading my mind "h..how did you know that?" I asked "eh I have my ways (No pun intended)." He said. "Are you Okay?" Pete interrupted "I...I think so." I said. Mikey put a hand on my shoulder and said "just remeber that although we're made by our pasts doesn't mean we have to be prisoners of them." "I'll remeber that." I said. By then my tears stopped coming down, and I didn't know what I was thinking so after everyone left, I ran over to Pete and pulled him down, and he landed on me "is this how you're gonna get my attention now?" He asked "maybe." I said grinning "so what do you want?" He asked "oh I wanna make my mark on you." I said "what do you mean?" He asked "I mean I want the public to know we're together and not breaking up anytime soon." I said "I've been waiting for you to say that!" He said "so what should we do?" I asked "I know what I'm thinking." He said "well I don't so tell me." I said "we'll need to run to the mall really quick." He said "we'll pick out matching outfits, and then we'll go to a part of the city that has a bunch of paparazzis, and we'll kiss each other." He said "how do you think of such cheesy ideas Pete?" I asked "I dunno." He said. We got in the car and drove to the mall, we picked out a red, maroon, and black flannel, and black jeans (the outfit that my crush and I coincidentally wore the same today) and even matching shoes which were black and gray vans, and since it was almost Christmas, this would be the best time to do this.

A/N I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in so long, the reason is we switched out my wifi, and the idiots at FedEx lost the package and it barely came yesterday, so yeah. I'm on break for Christmas now so that's good (and random) and that's awkward when me and my crush accidentally matched, also I listened to the song "Brother" by Gerard, and at the end where the phone operator says "Mikey... He... killed himself." Made me cry, like I know he didn't but what does it mean?

You Saved Me Pete Wentz X Reader Book 1Where stories live. Discover now