Chapter Five

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“Xavier, wake up. It’s probably time for me to go.” I shook him softly awake. He’d had a long night getting the things I need so I had let him sleep while I had retrieved my clothes.

“What time is it?” He groaned as he got up.

I laughed. “Sore?’

He blushed a little. “Maybe… Aren’t you?”

“No, told you I wasn’t fragile. Now get up so I can hug you goodbye.”

He sat up and put his pants back on. I saw his back and my jaw dropped. Red lines criss-crossed all the way down his spine. He was also breathing shallow. Damn it, I hadn’t been careful enough. I quickly decided not to say anything, he would probably realize it soon enough, if he hadn’t already.

“Come here,” he smiled. I gave him a quick hug and pulled away even though he tried to kiss me. Some sappy goodbye was not something I wanted to think about later, when I needed to be focused.

“Au revoir, Xavier.”

“Can’t I at least take you to the airport?”

Typical Xavier, there was no point in arguing. “Fine.”

He grabbed the last bit of my things and I grabbed my backpack. I didn’t like anyone touching it. We left in his fancy car and he held out his right hand, presumably for me to hold. I subtly leaned away and looked out the window, pretending not to notice. We got to the airport relatively quick, despite the heavy traffic. I stashed my gun under a random car in the parking lot after I wiped off all my prints. Sucks for whatever human owned the car after security finds it. Xavier chased after me.

“Wait! Aimee!”

“What do you think you’re doing?’

“I’m coming with you.”

“Absolutely not.”

“I’m sick of Chicago. Everyone just pretends they’ll be alright and forget when an attack happens. It’s like they just have forced the knowledge of the existence of angels out of their heads. They’re zombies of what I used to be. I’m tired of pretending to be one of them.”

“That doesn’t matter. You’re safer here.”

“So are you.”

I let the silence stretch as I thought for an appropriate response. “Cut the bullshit, Xavier. I’m not safe anywhere. The angels follow my every move and the human governments are placing bounties on my head. Besides, I can barely keep myself alive, much less you. You’re fragile, you’re human, and, like it or not, you’re a liability.”

“But you’re you. You always get out of the bad situations.”

“One of these days my luck will run out. It’s impossible to stay neutral and stay alive at the same time.”

“What side do you think you’ll choose?”

“What kind of question is that? The angels aren’t the ones who want to steal my blood, violate me, dissect me like a frog in a high school biology class, and then when my use runs out… They’ll dispose of me in a body bag and probably throw me into a ditch along some vacant highway”

“But the angels…” He murmured, trailing off.

“I know, they’re horrible. It will be on my terms though, not theirs. I promise you that.” I reached the entrance to the airport and quickly put in my contacts. “Give me my ticket, and leave.”


“Xavier, don’t make me drag you kicking and screaming back to your car.”

“You cannot do that.”

The Damned Holies (The Fallen Wars 1)Where stories live. Discover now