Sound Of Silence

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It was a rainy day, Skye was at the Thunderman home hanging out. Actually she was working on a group project with Max and Allison, but instead of doing the project the two were flirting and giggling.

Skye was sitting at the kitchen table with them, she glanced up from her notes and saw Max and Allison being all close and smiling.

Skye rolled her eyes, "Can you stop touching each other for five seconds?"

Max and Allison stopped quickly.

"Skye, the project isn't due until next Monday." Max said.

Skye looks at Max, "No it's due Monday, but we've haven't been able to work on it because you two won't stop flirting."

Allison glares, "Someone sounds jealous."

Skye shoots a look at Allison, "Me? Jealous of you and Max?"

Allison nods, "He is your friends, and you must be jealous he has someone and you don't."

Max turns from Allison to Skye, "Guys, please."

Skye shakes her head, "I'm going to head home. I'll email you our project later," She said and stands up as she gathers her things, "Enjoy your time together."

Allison smiles and latches on Max, "We will." She smiles.

Skye then grabs her umbrella at the door and opens the door, she glanced back to see Max looking back at her. Skye shakes her head and leaves.


When Skye arrived home she sees Dakota and Newt playing video games. The two seemed to have gotten their homework done. Skye shook off the water from her nearly soaked clothes.

"What happened to the umbrella?" Dakota asks.

Skye shoots a glare, "The wind destroyed it." She frowns.

Newt looks at Skye, "You should change before you get sick." Newt said.

Skye throws her semi-wet backpack, "Whatever."

And with that Skye left the room, Dakota notice his friend catch one last look at Skye as she had left the room. Dakota nudges his friend.

"You have a crush on my sister or something?" Dakota asks.

Newt looks at Dakota, "Uh- nah man just- uh don't want her sick is all."

Dakota nods, "Better be it."

Newt grabbed his controller, "Would it be that awful if I did have a crush on her?"

Dakota glanced at him, "She likes Max."

"But Max has a girlfriend." Newt pointed out.

Dakota said nothing as he grabbed his controller.

Newt glanced at Dakota, "Besides, you can't control how people feel for each other." He said.


The next day, Skye was at her locker, frowning. She noticed Max walk over. Skye reached her for her biology text book and then shut the locker.

"Hey," He said in a somber tone.

Skye looks at Max, "Hi." She noticed his tone, "Everything not to peachy in love land?"

Max shakes his head, "No, uh- sorry about Allison."

Skye crossed her arms on her chest, " I don't care. I- I just don't want another lecture from my folks."

Max rubbed the back of his neck, "It's just- Allison thinks you have a crush on me and is jealous."

Skye fakes her expression, "Like I'd have a crush on you. We're too similar."

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