Yula, 16, recieves a message from an unknown number. She decides to replie and she gets to know the boy behind the screen: Grayson Dolan, 16.
They live miles away but maintain contact through their phone.
Yula her brother warns her for strangers and...
The next morning I woke up to music comming from my brother's room. I dragged myself out of bed and walked to his room. I knocked on the door. "Woody!" "Yeah what?" He answered and he opened the door. It toke me a few secconds to locate his eyes since I was still 98% asleep. "Music..." I said "Sorry. Wait, you have been sleeping this whole time?" He asked and I got in his room and sat down on his bed. He turned the music down. "Yeah, why? What time is it?" "It's nearly 2 pm Yul'" and he stared at me with disbelief. "Oh well crap" I sarcastically said. His bed way quite nice, way softer then mine. "Do you want "breakfast"? I can make you some if you want" he asked. "Yes, please" Honestly woody is the best brother ever. He's just two years older than me but sometimes it feels like he has had 20 more years of life experience. He is nice but we do get into fights quite often. I walked back to my room and grabbed same sweatpants and a crop-top with random triangles on it. I also grabbed some underwear and ankle socks with rubbers on them. I walked downstairs in my pajamas, went for a quick shower and got dressed. When I walked into the living room my nose got hit by the delicious smell off eggs and bacon. Before taking a seat on the table I warm up and stretch like you would before you'd dance. I have been a dancer for over 12 years and I take stretching very seriously. I do it every single day when I get out of bed. After I'm done I take a seat and scoff my food in. "Yo, calm down Yul'" woody grinned. I was just very, very hungry. I also was lucky that it was Sunday. Because if it would've been a normal school day I would have been miserably late to class. When I was done eating I put my dishes in the dishwasher and then suddenly remembered something. The unknown number. I rushed upstairs and grabbed my phone.
5 messages
Unknown number: ' goodmorning'
Unknown number: ' are you still asleep?'
Unknown number:' imma just spam you'
Unknown number:' mystery girl?'
Unknown number:'mystery girl?
Yula:' I see you finnally excepted the fact that I am a girl'
Unknown number:' not completely'
Yula:' is mystery girl a new nickname?'
Unknown number:' sorta. I still don't know your name'
Yula:' I don't know yours either. Your still the "unknown number" in my phone.
Unknown number:' well you are " 30 year ol' male with camera equip"
Yula:' what a relief. At least I have a name 😂'
Unknown number:' true'
Unknown number:' but seriously, what's your name?'
Yula:' I am not going to tell you that!"
Unknown number:' why not? Please'
Yula:'...it starts with and y. But if you want you can call me bear'
Unknown number:' bear?'
Yula:' my name means little bear, but a lot of ppl I know just call me B or Bear on the daily basis. It's up to you'
Unknown number:' well then, B it shall be'
Yula:' what about your name?'
Unknown number:' ehm...I can't really say'
Yula:' WHAT!? I did just tell you mine. Sort of'
Unknown number:' but I can't'
Yula:' why not? Are you like some sort of secret agent? Or are you secretly and 30 year old male with camera equipment?'
Unknown number:' definitely the latter'
Unknown number:' no just kidding. Its more soemthing like the first thing you said'
Yula:' :/ :/ :/ :/ :/'
Yula:' what about pictures? Then I won't know your name'
Unknown number:' hmm...will be difficult, but hey, we could try'
Yula:' do you solemnly swear that you won't show my ugly ass picture to anyone else?'
Unknown number:' I do'
Yula:' this is the only decent picture I could find. Its called "Why so serious?"'
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Unknown number:'omg...'
Yula:' what!?'
Unknown number:'your eyes are so georgous 😍'
Yula:' why thank you, I don't feel the same way tho'
Unknown number:' I'm serious. Ive never seen eyes like yours!'
Yula:' your turn'
Unknown number:'right...'
Unknown number:'B?'
Yula:' yes!?'
Unknown number:'i know this sounds really sceemy, but I really can't send you a picture'
Yula:' are you kidding me!?'
Unknown number:' no I swear, I really want to, but I can't. I can tell you this: you can call me Gray if you want. I hope that's enough'
Yula:' no "Gray" that is not enough! I send you a picture of me an basically told you my name. And the only thing I know about you is that I can call you "Gray" if I want'
Unknown number:' well if you want to know more about me we could do 20 questions'
Yula:' bye Gray '
Unknown number:' I'm sorry B. I truly am!'
Aftre reading that I shut my phone off and went downstairs. I was grumpy the rest of the day and even woody couldn't fix it.