Chapter 21

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I spent the whole day with Sally, I loved it.

Elizabeth was in a meeting, all day long!

I sighed deeply and laid down, I snuggled against the pillows. Sally came into the room she was dressed beautifully, I sat up and walked to her.

"Get dressed Moma!come on,come on!"

I got dressed in a black dress, I followed her, she was dressed in a beautiful pink dress.She looked so beautiful and adorable I loved!,"Come Moma"she said

She held my hand, leading me out of the castel.

We walked into the garden, into a secluded,quiet part of the garden.

I gasped as, I saw a beautifully set table for three.

We walked it, everything was just so beautiful.

Elizabeth hugged me from behind I giggled,"You look absolutely beautiful"she whispered.

I giggled again and turned around in her arms, I hugged her.

"Mommy looks beautiful"I said softly, she smiled and kissed me softly.

"I missed you so much today"she whispered and pulled back. She pulled a chair our for me and Sally.I sat down and so did Sally, she sat to my right and Elizabeth sat across from me.

"I missed you"I said.

Elizabeth kissed my hand.

I giggled, she smiled, she kissed Sally's cheek,we ate supper. I loved it, Elizabeth stood up.I smiled at her she walked to me and pulled me up slowly, I stood up and smiled slightly confused.

She kissed me softly and went, down on one knee and held my left hand.

"My love I love you so much,and you mean the world to me, I know we've had our ups and downs. But I could not ask for a better woman or a better mother to our child...will you marry me?"

"Yes!"I said.

She pulled the ring out, it was beautiful. I gasped and slipped the ring onto my finger.I smiled and giggled, she stood up and kissed me slowly.I moaned softly, she growled and sighed happily.

Sally giggled and hugged us, I giggled.

I picked her up.

Elizabeth kissed her cheeks."You guys are getting married!"she said happily.

After a while we walked inside,Sally was bathed and she went to bed.

I bathed and changed, I sat down on the bed.

Elizabeth changed after she had bathed.She sat by me and kissed my hands. I giggled and snuggled close, she smiled and kissed me slowly.

"Sally wants a Brother or Sister"I said softly, Elizabeth looked at me.

"I dont see why not my sounds like a good idea"she said, I nodded

I smiled and cuddled close, she smiled and kissed my nose.

"You are so cute"she said softly. I nodded and giggled, she smiled and kissed my cheek softly. I purred happily she smiled again."My Mommy"I said softly she nodded,"I'm your Mommy no one else's"she whispered I smiled and hugged her.

I fell asleep, cuddled into her and fell asleep.

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