Chapter One

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Everyone just stared at me as if I was crazy. No one dared to help when he carried me to his car kicking and screaming in tears.. You know I went to school with my kidnappers. Just never really paid attention to them. But, there was this one guy. This guy I fell head over heels for before I even knew his name. I kind of knew he was bad for me. Except I didn't care because I was "In love." Our story started a couple hours ago when he was moved to my second period. That's when he noticed me.

•Twelve hours Earlier•

"Alright class I have an announcement." Ms. Jones said yelling over our loud voices. She smiled walking over to the classroom door. When she opened it a tall slightly dark skinned boy with two braids came into our classroom. I heard most of the girls whispering about how handsome he was but, he shrugged them off. "Class this is Rayan Lopez. Go on tell them about yourself." Says Ms. Jones rubbing his back. He stepped up to introduce himself. "What's up. I'm Rayan but just call me Ray or Ray Twice if ya.." he pauses laughing at his own joke. "I'm kidding you can call me Ray Ray." He says. His smile was huge. It just made him stand out way more. "Thank you Rayan. Now u guys introduce yourselves to Mr. Lopez. Starting with.. you." Says Ms. Jones pointing her index finger at me. Everyone's attention was on me including Ray Ray's which caused me to blush. "Um Hi." I was clearly nervous. I stood up from my desk. "My name's ______." I say quickly sitting back in my seat. Everyone laughed. Even Ray did. I sunk down in my seat covering my face with both hands. Everyone introduces themselves and then Ms. Jones tells Ray to take a seat. I hadn't notice his seat was beside me until he tossed a note onto my desk. The note read "Hey beautiful, don't look so down. By the way nice name." I smiled. "Thank you." I say giggling.

•Let's Fast Forward A Bit•

I walk out of school inhaling the fresh air. Looking over I see Ray talking to some guy in the parking lot. I try to avoid looking in their direction as I walked by. "______?" Ray says catching my attention. "Oh hey." I say awkwardly. "Are you walking home alone?" He asks. While nodding my head I say "Unfortunately yes." There goes that huge smile of his. "Why don't you let us take you home." Says Ray. "I don't know if I trust you. Sorry." He smiles taking my hand into his. "You can trust me. I promise to get you home safely. So, what do you say? Will you let me?" He says staring into my eyes. I couldn't make eye contact. I was too busy staring at our hands making contact. My hands become shaky. I must look like a fool. He chuckles as he tries to stop them by covering my hand with his other one. Finally, I give in saying "Okay I'll take the ride." I quickly pulled my hand from between his two hands. Ray opens the car down for me. Such a gentleman. "Just drop me off on Cleveland Street please." I say to the guy driving. "Alright." He replies. Turns out I'm sitting between the curly fro dude from my third period and Ray. The drive was silent until the afro dude starts a conversation. He held his hand out for me to shake saying "I'm Jacob But everyone calls me Princeton or Prince. The one here driving is Prod. In the passenger seat is Roc. And sitting in the seat behind us is EJ." His smile could light up a room. He had perfect white teeth and a gorgeous smile. "Hello I'm ______." I said shaking his hand. Looking back up at the road I notice we drove past my house. "Um excuse me. We past the street Prod or whatever ur name is." I say sounding frustrated and nervous. "It's Prod." He replied calmly. "Aye chill. I got you." Ray says to me placing his arm around me. "Don't touch me! Turn around right now." I demanded. And the guy they call Roc starts laughing. "What's so funny?" I ask. "Wow. Haven't your parents taught you not to get in a truck with strangers?" He says as everyone laughs along with him. That's when it hit me that they wasn't taking me home.

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