chapter 3

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Bella's pov

After surviving 5 classes i still haven't met Rosalie's twin brother yet, but I honestly think the short pixie girl Alice is keeping me from meeting him. But since it is lunch maybe I will get to meet this Jasper guy and no one will prevent me from seeing him this time. I stood outside the cafeteria debating on rather I go in now or abandon ship and ditch the rest of the school day.

Rosalie: "are you going to just stand there Bella or are you going to head in?"

Emmett: "yeah shortstack. Darling the rest of our siblings already went in. And Eddie was wondering where you were at so he sent me after you.

Bella: I am not short. You are just tall Emmett. And no I am debating on if I should risk walking into a big room filled with humans when they are what I eat.... I uh haven't tried animal blood yet. And I am thirsty. But I will go in. Can I sit with you all?

Rosalie: yes you can sit with us bella and if it gets too much. We can leave to go hunt. And remember I said. That you are sitting next to my twin jasper.

Bella: ok rose. Let's go to the building of hell and loud boring humans.

Rosalie and Emmett started laughing at what she said, but they led her to their table. When she got there to the table and sat down to the boy who apparently was Roslie' s twin. She felt a tap on her shoulder and she turned around when she heard someone clear their throat.

????: bitch your in my seat. You need to move and get away from my family now you freak.

When she turned around she saw a short girl with a pixi cut hairstyle.

Bella: actually I was told I can sit here by Rosalie and Emmett and as you are the only one who seems to care about a seat that doesn't even have your name anywhere on it. You can sit down in the seat that doesn't have anyone in it. And for two I am not a female dog or a freak. So sit your short ass down and leave me alone.

As Bella turned around to continue eating I sensed that the girl was about to throw a punch at her. And she let her side Iza come out to play her eyes turned a aqua blue with a gold ring around her pupil. And she stood up straight. And all the Cullen and humans can sense the change of pressure in the room as she stood up and caught the girls hand.

IZA: girl you have been warned by isabella to leave her alone and you have the audacity to go and punch her for sitting next to our mate.

???: *growls* he isn't your mate bitch. He is mine and everyone knows it. Now move or you will be killed for your stupidity.

Iza: hahaha. Your sure you want to do this here girl and ruin your family's secret which can get your family killed. If you want to fight meet me in the woods after school. Thanks rose for inviting me to sit with you and your family. And hello Major it's nice to meet you my mate and if you want to tell everyone here who I am you can. For I will be out for a while.

She gets up and dumped her half eaten tray and goes to her next class period and sat down waiting for the class to begin.

Jasper's POV

It was lunch time so we sent Emmett  to see what was taking his mate Rosalie so long. And when he came back he had Rosalie and he also had the new girl. The new girl sat down in the seat next to me. I was kinda shocked because that is usually where Alice sits,but oh well.  After a few seconds of sitting there staring at the new girl he heard someone clear their throats. And when he looked up he saw Alice standing there with a glare on her face.

He heard Alice tell the new girl that she was in her seat and that she had to move

The new girl pretty much told Alice no and that Alice can sit in the seat next to Edward.

What Alice did next shocked the blazing hell out of me,Rosalie, and Emmett. Alice tried to punch the new girl while she had her head turned. The new girl of caught Alice's hand and air pressure around the new girl changed drastically. She told Alice that if she wanted to fight meet her in the woods after school. And she turned towards me and I was shocked stiff the girls eyes were a icy blue with a gold ring around her pupil. I kinda had to umm adjust myself to say the least. Was my mate in what I assume to be her other side like I had Ares.  After she walked off I looked towards Emmett and Rosalie and said two words "Explain Now"

Rosalie: that girl who me and Emmett came in with. Her name is Isabella but she prefers to be called Bella. And she is kinda like us,but she is different as well. She is my friend. And I think she has another side like you do brother. Which I think we just experienced her other side just now.

Rosalie turns towards alice with a glare so fierce that a gazelle would start running.

Rosalie: and Alice how DARE you almost expose us to these humans. And how DARE you try to punch someone who isn't looking at you or expecting the punch. And for the million times that me,Emmett and jasper has told you. Jasper isn't your fucking mate. So sit your pixie ass down and shut the fuck up.

I had to look at Rosalie in shock because out of all the years that we went to school pretending to be siblings I have never seen her so furious or use curse words that put the ones Emmett usually uses to shame.

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