chapter 7. the missed text from marcus and paul

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Bella got up from ground went out and hunted in her wolf form and when she got back transformed and looked at the other text that she got and she didn't know if she should reply to either Paul first or marcus who was one of the valturi kings who she formed a kind of uncle relationship with when she was younger which was also the day her mother died.. so she consulted her other sides on what she should do.

Bella:"hey iza who should I reply back to Paul or uncle Marcus?

Iza: Paul may have texted cause bells we never did tell the pack or Renee and Charlie that we were leaving...... we kinda just ran.

Bella: "oh shitz I am so in trouble when I get back.... ok Kyra what do you think?

Kyra: hmmm I agree with iza, but on the opposite side opinion you could always see if uncle Marcus texted you for help again.

Bella:" true you know what I will get over the pain of dealing with the Paul drama first and then check to see what Marcus is doing.

After consulting with her other sides Bella pulls out her phone and texted Paul after reading all of his text.

Bella: "hey Paul sorry I haven't replied or answered any of the calls cause you know I kinda couldn't do that in wolf form."

Paul: Chica you are so in trouble when you return.

Bella: "I know..... I know. I am so sorry for not notifying anybody I had to get out before I did something out of anger."

Paul: what happened the pack felt full on rage come thru pack link while in human form and then when we shifted for patrols all we saw was blurry trees and then snow.

Bella:"sorry Paul the mind rapest tried to read my mind when I denied his approach and the the pixie bitch tried to demand stuff from me and attempted to put a claim on my mate... iza did not like that one bit.. the pixie about became a pile of dust with a lot of human witnesses.

Paul: ah that explains everything. Ok I will explain it to Sam and then talk to Charlie. Cause to be honest Chica Charlie was about to send out a hunting party to find you. But since you texted back Charlie may mellow out some. When do you plan on coming back?

Bella:" I an going to see what uncle Charlie texted me and then I might do some shopping and then return. So it maybe Sunday when I get back.

Paul: ok Chica be safe.

Bella:"will do"

After getting of the text with Paul she decide to see what her uncle Marcus texted her. All it was to see if she was safe and to check up on her. So she sent a quick text back and then she decided to go shopping to get more clothes. And maybe a new backpack.

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