The Parish

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These are a collection of writings from as recent as yesterday, and as far back as years ago. As you read them, you will get a chance to walk through a small slice of my life. Before you get started, I must warn you that my life is a crazy, busy, always on the go one (probably much like your own). 

However, in the midst of it all, there are moments of realization. Sharp, tangible shots of pure, bright joy. The kind of joy that makes your eyes fill with tears, and the world look a little brighter, you step a little lighter. 


Well, these stories are my attempt to answer that. Throughout my (almost) three decades on this earth, I have asked that question many a time. Just so you know, it all seems to come back to the One who knows our names. 

I don't have all the answers, but I'm finding some along the way. 

These are my stories. 

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