Part 3

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"My Family, Friends, Comrades,  Everyone." Sakura took a deep breath. *Please watch me grow, become stronger and stronger!*

Then she woke up with her finger on her forehead having a flashback of when Sasuke poked it. She blushed and looked next to her bed Sasuke was lay there silently sleeping cutely. Sakura lay her fingers and stroked down onto his face into his hair. "That's right, I'm Sakura Uchiha now. Top medal ninja and famous student of the Hokage TSunade-Sama." "If I never asked her to train me I wouldn't be strong I'd still be like I used too be..." *shivers* "The old me, I hated my old self. But I have changed now not completely but most of myself has." She said quietly with a serious face.

Master and Student - I was so proud - Sakura HarunoWhere stories live. Discover now