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Song: Taylor Swift - Untouchable

"YOU'VE BEEN SUSPENDED FOR A WHOLE WEEK AND YOU HAVEN'T EVEN BEEN THERE FOR TWO WEEKS!" Zotar roared, a nasty looking vein throbbing on his forehead. His face resembled a tomato and his eyes were the darkest I had ever seen them.

I squirmed in my chair uncomfortable, feeling the power he was exuding. Like an invisible gas, It made the entire room feel stuffy and airless. The power was so overwhelming that I couldn't stop looking at my hands, feeling an overbearing amount of guilt and disgust towards myself.

He tried to take a few deep calming breaths and then just gave up on the whole idea of cooling down his rage and whipped his papers off the desk madly. Cream white papers sprinkled the air seeming to cut through the air sharply and dropped to the floor, the light noise seeming to echo in my ears. The sudden action made me jump in my seat, eyes flicking to him for just a second and then looking down at my hands again. Sitting in his office, the fear of being alone with him begin to creep up. No matter how hard I tried to push it down, it would just come back up with more fire.

After a very amusing office visit with Lorei and the dean, I sat now, basically trembling, in Zotar's office. The dean wasn't even mad at me because of the fight, once I explained to him about why I did it and that Lorei had charged at me first. He was mad because I had flipped him and he suspended me for a week. Secretly, I think it's that long because being the dean and getting flipped by a student in front of other students is a major hit to the ego. . .

Zotar's hands slammed on his desk and I jumped startled, feeling my heart give a leap and start to race. I stared at the items on his mahogany desk that shook because of him. "NOW TELL ME WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY!"

I cringed away from the level and hostility in his voice. Harmony wasn't home and Ike, Mist, and Ingel weren't home either. School was still going and they probably had no idea that I had even left. What happened last night was still fresh in my mind and realizing that he could really do damage to me without the distraction of Ike made my heart race even faster. I could literally feel it pounding against my chest, ready to rip from it and sprint away from Zotar's fury.

Zotar wasn't a dimwitted teenage girl that I could taunt so we would both be on an even playing ground because there would be no magic involved. He would use his magic as he pleased. I was at his mercy and there was absolutely nothing I could do to save myself. That knowledge shot a blinding fear so quick up my spine that it gave me goosebumps.

And probably from last night he still wasn't done with getting all his anger and frustrations out, Ike did stop him from hitting me another time after all.


I really wished Harmony was here. Even though she had let me down yesterday, I knew for a fact that she would have handled this situation. Meaning, I would know that I would be safe.

"Did you not hear me? Do you not understand how much trouble you have been", spittle flew from his mouth. "I should just get rid of you", he sneered at me resembling a psycho.

I risked a glance up at him and immediately wished I had not. His eyes were alluding a black glow around them that made his eyes resemble the eyes of a skeleton. Dark and hollow.

My hands were growing increasingly clammy and my squirming had doubled tremendously as the minutes had past painfully slow. I wanted to open my mouth to say something to alleviate the situation, but at the moment my mouth felt dry and my tongue felt swollen. Sadly, I had no idea what to do in this situation and with each second I could visually see Zotar's anger raising which instilled even more fear in me.

"You idiotic girl!" He kicked his sleek leather chair. The poor chair flew through the air, smashing into pieces against the wooden wall that it collided with. I shrunk into my seat, shaking slightly. Hating how I felt weak but couldn't help it. The only people in the house were the servants and even though I had been talking to a lot more of them lately, they would still turn a blind eye to anything Zotar did to me. And with his command they would probably even lie for him if needed to. So screaming for help would not help me.

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