The Meeting

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Song: Rihanna - California King Bed

Another amazing cover done by FlorenceisCrazy. Thank you so much!!!

The Sound of rushing waves colliding against the shoreline slowly woke me up. Wetness brush along the side of my face, vanished, and then reappeared. Suddenly water covered my face, making me spring up coughing as some got into my partly opened mouth.

Laying sprawled on a soft pink beach, I looked around in a daze. Wet hair matted against my back, purple water hit me and foamed indigo as the water continued to tap against the pink seashore. Puffy, soft clouds laid softly in the golden sky. Large, white feathered birds flew in the sky blending and then disappearing into the horizon. Trees that reached for the beautiful sky filled my vision, sprouting large silver leaves. Getting up slowly, the light pink pajamas that I had wore to bed were now drenched. I looked around taking in my scenery. My feet sunk into the soft pink sand as I continued to walk, feeling the bright sun's rays sprinkle down on me.

Seeing how there wasn't no other place to adventure but the forest, I pushed through the dense silver leaves that blocked the entrance into the metallic forest. My feet suddenly plunged into water. To keep my balance, I gripped the prickly tree near me as looked down. Water, the same color as the violet ocean, was now swaying around me ankle deep.

For a second I wondered if I should stop right here and turn around, but quickly squashed that idea. I hadn't even started yet and it felt like I needed to find something, or someone. I glanced around the forest. The sunshine reflected off of the silver leaves making it feel like whenever I glanced at a leaf that I was actually staring into the sun. Something was calling for me...I just didn't know what, but I would find it.

So taking a calming breath, I continued on through the forest, getting deeper and deeper into the water, until I was knee deep. Realizing that this was becoming increasingly challenging and dangerous to venture in through,especially since I didn't know what lived in this water, I turned around. Maybe whatever was calling me may not be in my best interest.

I had just begin to trudge back towards the beach when something tugged my hair. The sharp pain and rough tug sent me falling backwards. I let out a silent scream simultaneously realizing that my voice was gone. Eyes wide I plunged into the water, the thing grabbing onto my ankle now and pulling me deeper into the purple water. Eyes still open, I silently screamed watching the surface become farther and farther away till I could no longer see the trees that hung above the water or the sun that would peep through the leaves

Closing my eyes feeling darkness engulf me, I let it.

I was jolted back awake hearing the sound of loud chirping. Groggily I opened my eyes and observing the scenery around me through squinted eyes. The sky was still a soft golden color while tall grass stood around me. Slowly, pushing myself up feeling my muscles tensely sharply at the movements, I stood to my full height. The grass now only stood knee high around me. The sun peered over the horizon shining brightly on the green field of grass. It was almost so bright I had to shield my eyes. Eyes still narrowed I looked around but stopped my scoping when I spotted someone.

In the distance I saw someone sitting on a large boulder looking as the sunset. The arms of the sun were just peaking over the horizon drowning the person in light that made it impossible to analyze their appearance from this distance.

A tug from my neck had me looking down. There my necklace sat, the gem placed precisely in the center of the star glowing brightly, shielding my face in light. Like it was alive the necklace tugged and I stumbled forward. It tugged me again and I did the same action till it finally begin pulling me forward and helplessly I followed knowing that if I slowed my pace, the necklace around my neck would just drag me struggling anyways. From what I could tell it was guiding me towards a woman, I now could tell, who was perched on the boulder her back to me. Her soft harmonious chuckles filing the air around her.

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