Chapter 3

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"He's mine. I don't know what the hell you think you're doing talking to him, but he's mine. Get that through your thick, ugly head. He doesn't want a worthless virgin. He wants me. So don't even try. We clear?" Sapphire explained to me in a very harsh voice. I nodded, hanging my head. "I wasn't flirting with him." I suddenly felt a stinging pain in my cheek. "Did I say you could speak!?" I felt a tear slide down my cheek. I shook my head no. I looked up at her and saw her roll her eyes. "Go." I nodded again and scurried out of her bedroom. She scares me.

I pulled on a warm sweater, my uggs, grabbed my ipod and headed outside. I need to take a walk to clear my head. I put my headphones in and skimmed down until I found Talking To The Moon by Bruno Mars. Usually I don't like his music but this song is actually really good. I quietly started to sing along. "In hopes your on the other side, talking to me too. Or am I a fool, who sits alone, talking to the moon." I sang quietly. Music is my medicine. I wouldn't be okay without it. I swear it.

Sapphire got this ridiculious idea in her head that I was flirting with Braiden. I don't know how to flirt and I'm pretty oblivious when people try to flirt with me..though I doubt it has ever happened. So if she thinks I was flirting with him, there is something wrong. She started bitching at me, saying that he is hers and that I should leave him alone and give up now. She's known him for like, two days. How exactly is he hers? That's beyond me.

I don't like going on and on about the bad things in my life. Negetive thoughts are definetely not my favourite kind. But positive ones are hard to find. Ha, that rhymed. Back to my point, I don't like being a depressant but it's kinda hard to be cheery when you're in my position. But just because Braiden saved my ass from getting run over, she thinks that there is something going on between us. There is nothing going on between us, whatsoever.

I mean yeah, I think about him a lot. And he stares at me a lot. And I get a weird feeling around him but that doesn't mean there is anything going on. It just means that..well, I don't know what it means but it doesn't mean what she thinks it means. Ugh, drama is so not what I need. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize I had ended up in the park. I smiled as I saw that there was nobody else there but me. Alone time is what I need on days like this. I sat down on the swing and slowly rocked back and forth.

I rested my head against the handle of the swing and closed my eyes, letting myself sink into the music that was blasting from my headphones. After what felt like 5 minutes, I opened up my eyes and saw that it was night time. Shit. This was a really bad idea. I have never liked being out alone at night time. It scares the bejesus out of me. I got up off of the swing and looked around the park. I didn't see anybody. I always get scared that a murderer is going to jump out of the woods and kill me or something.

The bad thing about that is when I think something, I automatically get an image of it. So great, now I'm imagining myself being killed. Aren't I clever? I started walked down the pathway and turned my music up loud..trying to make it seem like I wasn't so alone. I felt as though someone was watching me. It made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I was quite cold and I could feel the goosebumps on my skin. My hands were very pale and you could see many veins. My fingertips were purple and my lips were dry. I was freezing.

I started walking faster because the feeling of being watched was growing stronger by the second. It was terrifying me. That's what my dad has done a few times. He's told me that he will beat me up, but he won't tell me when. So he'll make me wonder and wait and run, terrified around the house..hoping he won't find me. But he does. He always finds me. It's scary having someone chase you and play around with your fears. It seems to happen to me a lot though.

I froze when I heard rustling behind me. I looked at the bushes beside me and I could see leaves and branches moving. I shivered out of fear and started running. My feet hitting the pavement loudly and hurriedly. I never thought I would say this but I just want to go home. The rustling was getting louder and closer so I started running as fast as I possibly could. I screamed when something jumped out at me. Before I knew it, I was on my back..facing the sky.

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