Chapter 29

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Megumi's POV

Akira!Let me your power okay!

She nodded.I screeched loudly making the people cover their ears.

I launched an attack on Kohaku,whoch he didnt expected.I slashed his back and kick him far.

Itachi was stunned.Nobody from the Akatsuki dared to move.

Kohaku stood up and laughed maniacally.

"Youre gonna die how I killed your sensei!"

Kohaku's shadows binded me and pinned we down.Since my senses are heightened,I quickly dodge it and freeze the ground.

The shadows disappeared with an eerie screech.Kohaku looked damn pissed.

I smirked.I launched again a kick and slashed him.He dodge it and flunged a kunai on me.

Jutsus after jutsus,I countered his by mine.I finally saw an opening,I plunged an ice spike on his stomach and kicked his away.

Seeing he didnt budge,I went to run and hug Itachi.He didnt expect it so he was frozen.My eyes were glimmering in happiness.

I kissed his lips and felt him kissed back.

My tears fell."Im sorry Itachi.Im so sorry."

He chuckled and wiped my tears away.

"I missed you.Please dont make me worry like that again."

I was about to talk when I feel a strong chakra envelope the whole field.My eyes narrowed.

Akira.Be ready.

She nodded in my head.

Kohaku laughed evilly."Ive been trying to restrain it,but it seems you have caught its attention."

He stood up.A strong surging chakra bursted.From his body,a large shadow emerged.

It formed into a big 10 tailed scorpion.The tails were pointed and sharp and dripped with venom.

The tails shooted out towards me but I quickly dodge.My eyes narrowed when It didnt attack me.

My eyes widened on where the 10 tails landed.

The tails hitted each Akatsuki member in the stomach.Itachi's eyes were wide but he looked at me and muttered an I love you.

Kohaku laughed.A laugh of sinister and victory.

My pupils were dilated.Rage seeped through me.A burst of chakra flowing inside my whole body.

"Now my darling,you are entering the phase 6."

I screamed so loud.Louder than every scream that was emitted in the entire universe.


Third Person's POV

The whole place was covered in fog.The chilly atmosphere would give anyone instant death.

In the middle,there stood Kohaku and his pet,the Shadow Camlan stood proudly.

The Akatsuki members lay on the ground,catching their breaths as their death neared.The poison was spreading faster.

Kohaku eyed the place where Megumi was.The last thing he heard was a very loud piercing scream and something exploded.

Kohaku's eyes narrowed as the fog lifted.

An evil smile crept up on his face when he felt Megumi's chakra getting higher in any minute.

The fog lifted and what he saw shocked him.

Megumi was in her mermaid form,scales on her fore arms and cheeks.Her eyes were the mixed of yellow and blue,alternating.Her chest was covered in crystal scales too.Fangs and claws can be seened.

Large gills form on her hips acting as a sail when she levitates.She was surrounded by ice crystals,and her hair was flying.

She almost looked like her Mother,Izuri,when she entered her Phase 6 back then when Hunters are after the little Megumi.

She screeched but it was resonated and echoed until it became louder and louder.It sent the Shadow Camlan back but Megumi didnt back down.

She zoomed towards the creature and the ice spikes completely shooting every direction.

Kohaku was still dumbfounded.This creature in front of him.It was truly a nightmare  for him.

Megumi screeched once again and under the ice frozen ground emerged a large,ice crystal hydra the same size as the Camlan.

The creature Megumi had summoned blasted a screech,but the Camlan didnt back down.The two creature showed down and fought.

Kohaku was shaking his head and decided to run,only to meet Megumi.

"Where are you going Kohaku?Where did all of your courage go?"

Kohaku didnt answer.He dropped himself and looked at Megumi with fear on his eyes.

"You didnt put up a good fight do you?" She grinned maniacally.

Kohaku putted up his hands."P-please...have mercy."

Megumi laughed.

"Too late."

Megumi plunged her claws into Kohaku's chest,and with that,the Hydra had defeated the Camlan.

Kohaku gurgled with blood and was left unconscious.

Megumi levitated towards Itachi and she went back to her human form.Covered in blood,she brought Itachi in her arms.

She touched his face."No...Itachi..Please...Im sorry.."


Dundundundun.Ill be leaving you guys in a cliffhanger for now :333

Do you think this chapter sucked? :/ Did it lack something?

Ill appreciate if you commented and voted.>w<

Deep As The Clear Water Goes (Itachi Uchiha)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon