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(Jungkook POV)

I stop the car and look at the view of the ocean and moon. It was breath-taking mostly because the moon making the waves sparkle. I love the beach and I felt I lived there. "Wow" I turned around and it was the girl. I don't know  her name but I do know her friend. "Can wee waalk" she said in a drunk voice. "Fine". As we were walking she hand me a luxurious wine . "Where did u got this"? I was surprise where she got that. "Ohh thiss umm inn yourr carrr"."Of course Taehyung will hid this from me".

"Give me that " I said "Nooo". We were fighting over a wine like little kids. Mainly because she can't drink or else she will get drunk, which she areadly is. "Loook we willl  shared thiss and youu neeed thiss. Youu loook likee youu having a hard tiime. You caan alwaysss taalk to mee." I can't even understand her. And why would I trust her if I don't even know her. But for some reason I felt like I need someone to trust and talk to, so I agree.

I took the bottle of wine out of her hands and drank half of it. We begin to walk and I told her about my job. And she told me about getting accepted in her new job about being
a assisted. It sounded familiar but I can't remember because I'm getting drunk. Because that wine had a strong taste. And I was so dumb to drink  half of it.

We were heading to the car and I was worried  to drive when I am drunk. But I'm still going to."Soo doo youu havee a girlfriiend". Um I used to but she she, nevermind." "It's okk youu donn't have too telll mee, but whaateverr shee donne youu  shouuld forrget herr. Annd movee on." She was still talking about moving on. And she was right. The reason why I went with Taehyung, was because I needed to move on but I couldn't. Because it's so hard to forget someone you shared your life with. But for some reason she makes me feel really nervous, when I'm around her idk why but I feel butterflies in my stomch.

"Andd that's whyy youu shoul..."But since I was drunk and I couldn't control myself. So I kiss her softly in her mouth i didn't let her finish her sentence but I kiss her. The kiss become passionate and than deep and  hot. I was surprise she kiss me back. The air around us was turning hot.

(Author POV)

Jungkook kiss Mi-hee in the lips. At first it was passionate and than deep and festiy. Mi-hee grab his hair as he kiss and bites her neck. Making it heckies. As he tries to take her dress off nicely, instead he ripped the dress into half. Making Mi-hee surprise. Mi-hee unbutton his pants and his shirt. Than they both were wearing nothing. Mi-hee bites Jungkook in his neck, making him moan. The night became hot and steady as they both slept together.

Sorry if I didn't upload yesterday I forgot but I will upload today again since it's Sat. There maybe have mistakes. Anyways I hope u guys enjoy this chapter . Ik there kissing part was not good I was sleepy and I'm always sleepy. But I promise there will be better ones and click on the star to support me. See you in the next chapter .

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