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Greece at the moment was leaning against Turkeys muscular chest as he lay there petting a cat. Turkey's arm was around the Greek man while they sat there, just spending time with one another. Little did they know, someone was watching them, not someone, many people. See, Turkey and Greece were a 'thing' or couple at the moment, but have decided they would not tell anyone yet. A sudden flash went off and Turkey looked over at the culprit. He found Sparta holding a camera and Athens beside her. Sparta was laughing and Athens, giggling. " SPARTA! ATHENS!" Turkey yelled. " This is going in the photo album!" Athens yelled running away. Greece opened one eye, as he had fallen asleep. " What happened..?" He asked. " Nothing, go back to sleep" Turkey muttered before Greece did, Turkey eventually also fell asleep beside him. Let's just say, many pictures were taken that day once they were sound asleep together

(( sparta0204 ))

Turkey,Greece,Sparta,Athens,Cyprus,Eygpt and TRNC mini stories!Where stories live. Discover now