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Yasmin POV

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock. I checked my phone and saw that it's 5:40am. Time to wake up and pray. I turned and saw that my sister isn't in the room.

"Aisha! Where are you?" I searched the whole room looking for her only to see her in the comfort room sleeping.

I have the weirdest sister in the world. She can sleep for about ten hours in the toilet without waking up.

I woke her and she looked at me like she had seen a ghost.
"What am I doing here?" She asked with a confused face.
"Ask yourself, I just woke up and I saw you in the toilet sleeping. Anyway it's time to pray and get ready for school."
"I will go in first." She yawned and got her towel before entering the bathroom.

I finished praying and I rushed to the bathroom to take my bath. After I finish all my hygiene stuff. I roamed my closet looking for what to wear to school. I love school and studying. Today is gonna be a good day at school because there will be new students, new classes, new teachers and new friends even though I'm not good in making friends at school because of being a nerd and a Muslim but I have three friends who are atheists and they pretty much understand me and accept me just the way I am.

I decided to wear a white and black shirt, black pants and boots with a black headscarf. I put on a blue jacket because of the weather is a bit cold outside.

I went to the dining room where i met my mum, dad, brother and sister waiting for me. "Assalam alykum. Good morning everyone." I greeted them.

I went to my mum and dad and kissed them on the cheek. I kissed my sister and brother on their forehead and playfully hit my brother on his arm. "Ouch, do you have to do that everyday you wake up huh, cupcake." He always called me cupcake and my sister, sleeping beauty. Abubakar, my brother is 23years old and in his last year in college. Aisha, my sister is 18years old in highschool and I'm 17years old also in highschool.

We all prayed and started eating in silence. My mum made it a rule to never talk while eating unless she or dad asks a question but apart from that, it's all silence.

The ride to school was pretty good because my sister kept making funny faces.

Immediately I got to school, I saw Annabelle, Jason and Khadijah. "Hi guys, i miss you so much Wallah, Salamu alaikum." I extended my hand for a handshake with the girls. "Walaikumussalam." They shook my hand and we embraced one another. I just shook their hands and smiled at the boys without hugging them because it's Haram(not acceptable) in Islam for the opposite gender to be too physical with each other.

As we walked down the hallway, we talked and laughed. "Where's Angela?" I asked. "Oh, their flight was cancelled due to the bad weather yesterday." Jason answered.

"It means that she is gonna come tomorrow right?" Annabelle asked.

"I hope so." I replied.

I checked the new time table on the notice board. "I have maths class now."
"Hey, nerd terrorist, nice to see you but who're you gonna kill today or are you gonna bomb the whole school." I turned to see that it's Jake Williams, the baddest bully in school. Some girls around him giggled.
I tried to walk pass him, well it's the only way to math class.
He roughly pushed me back making me fall on the floor.

"Why do you have to be such a jerk?" Annabelle snapped and helped me get up.
"Are your dorky friends here to save you?"
Jason stepped forward challenging Jake. I stopped him and told them it's alright. "You can go to your English class."
"You sure dear?" Anna asked worriedly. I simply nodded and watched them walk off. I walk pass him this time but he dragged my school bag which made me fall on my butt.

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