Chapter 1 || "Never Talk About That Again"

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"Helaina, are you ready to go?"

I look up from my bed, spotting Julia standing in the doorway. She's fully dressed, wearing a light sweatshirt with a green army-style jacket over it. She has on a pair of leggings and combat boots, with her hair curled slightly. I look down at my own outfit, frowning. College is supposed to be a fresh start, so why is Julia still outshining me?

"Yeah, I guess." I say, standing up. I slide my feet into a pair of Tom's and unplug my phone from it's charger, slipping it in my jeans pocket. I grab my mini-backpack and sling it on my back, heading out the door.

"I can't believe we're in college already." I say, walking down the hallway and to the elevator. Beside me Julia rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, I know. You've only mentioned it about a million times." she says.

"Well excuse me for being excited. I'm finally away from my parents and siblings and don't have to worry about the consequences of things only my parents would get at me for." I say, pressing the elevator button. "It's refreshing."

"Yeah, I know. Everything's all magically fixed now that we're in college students." Julia says.

The elevator dings and the doors open up, a few students stepping out. Once they're out, Julia and I move inside.

"Except for the massive debt that's on our way." I say, and Julia bursts out laughing.

"Damn Helaina, that was morbid. Our first day of classes isn't even until tomorrow and you're already thinking about debt." she says, pressing the button to go down. The doors close and the elevator starts to move downward.

"Well, it's the truth." I say with a shrug. "I can be excited about the future but still honest about how much it sucks."

The elevator comes to a stop, the doors sliding open and two boys walking in. I see them checking Julia and I out. Julia's clearly enjoying it, while I, on the other hand, stand there uncomfortably as I wish they would leave so Julia and I could continue our conversation.

"Where are you guys headed?" Julia asks them.

"The lobby." one of them says.

"Really? Good, so are we." she says, smiling. She pressed the button and the elevator starts moving again.

"Are you freshman?" the other boy asks, and Julia nods.

"Yeah, are you?"

They shake their heads no.

"I'm Caleb." the one with black hair and blue eyes- arguably the cuter one- says.

"Hi, I'm Sebastian." his friend says.

"Julia." she says, shooting them a smile. "This is Helaina."

"Helaina. That's a pretty name." Sebastian says, smiling at me. I blush and look down, fighting back a smile.

"Oh, thanks. I like your name too. It's... cool." I say awkwardly. Beside me, Julia snorts, and I shoot her a death glare.

The doors to the elevator slide open, and Julia grabs my arm and pulls me out. Sebastian and Caleb follow us out, and Julia waits for them to step out before walking with them.

"Do you guys have a snapchat or something?" Julia asks, and Caleb nods.

"Yeah. Give me your phone and I'll add myself." Caleb says, holding his hand out. Julia nods, pulling her phone out and unlocking it. She hands it to Caleb and looks at me, urging for me to talk to Sebastian with her eyes.

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