Chapter 34 || "Hungry For Seconds"

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I practically throw my food down my throat, wanting to finish eating as quickly as possible so that Shawn and I can head back to the frat house and finish what we started. Shawn, on the other hand, eats painstakingly slow, clearly enjoying the sight of me squirming uncomfortably in my seat after he got me all hot and bothered.

When Shawn takes the final bite out of my burrito, I practically sigh with relief. Finally. He takes his fingers and licks them clean, the sight making me bite my lip. I fight back the urge to leap across the table and jump on him in front of everybody, instead settling for crossing my legs and thinking of something else.

"You just need the check?" Kyle asks, walking back over. Shawn nods, handing Kyle his plate. I hand mine over as well, and Kyle walks away.

"I'm ordering an Uber." I say to him, pulling out my phone and opening up the app.


"Because I want to get back to campus as soon as possible." I say, meeting his gaze.

Shawn smirks at me before crossing his arms and saying, "No."


"No, you're not going to order an Uber. I want us to walk." he says.

"Shawn, please." I beg, frowning.

"You can call one if you want baby," he begins. "But if you do, it'll just add to your punishment."

I decide to do it anyway, knowing I don't need my feet to be added to the list of my body parts that are going to be sore tomorrow. I quickly schedule a ride, getting a message that our driver will be here in ten minutes. I turn my screen off and put my phone down, looking up to see Kyle has returned with the check in hand.

"So, how was your food?" Kyle asks, reappearing. He slides the bill onto the table and Shawn grabs it.

"It was really good." I answer. "The chicken was probably the best I've ever had."

"I like chicken too." Shawn suddenly butts in.

"Oh?" I say, not sure where he's going with this.

"My favorite is probably the breast." He lick his lips before looking at me and adding, "Or the thigh."

I grit my teeth together and force a smile at him, trying not to let Kyle catch on to what's going on. Shawn puts the money in the book and hands it back to Kyle.

"Well, thanks guys. I'll see you later Shawn." Kyle says, walking away. Once he's gone, Shawn looks back over at me and licks his lips.

"I think I'm still hungry for seconds; are you?" he asks, his eyes scanning up and down my body. I wiggle in my seat, wishing Shawn didn't have such a powerful effect on me.

"No thanks, I'm full." I lie.

"Oh no, you'll be full later, baby." he says with a wink. My whole body heats up and my eyes widen as I look to the ground.

Oh my God. I can't believe he just said that.

Shawn stands up from his chair and I follow him, heading for the door. As we walk out, the hostess stops us to ask us about our meal.

"Did you guys enjoy your food?" she asks.

"Yeah, I loved it." I say.

"Great! Be sure to come back soon." she says with a smile.

"Oh, we'll definitely be coming." Shawn says, low enough for only me to hear. He puts his head on my lower back and asks, "Right, Helaina?"

I gulp, nodding.

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