Chapter 41 || "Test It Out"

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"Julia!" Alex screams once she realizes we've noticed her. She starts running towards us, attracting the attention of those around us. If they thought Shawn and I's bickering before was loud, they're definitely in for a rude awakening.

"What do we do? Play dumb, like we have no idea what she's talking about?" I whisper, my heart pounding in my chest.

"I don't know! Just follow my lead!" she whispers back.

Alex comes barreling over to our table, slamming her notebook down in between me and Julia. We both look at it, then at each other, and finally up at Alex.

"Hi." Julia says simply, and Alex laughs.

"Stop fucking around Julia." Alex cursed, grabbing the notebook and sitting down next to Julia and across from me.

"So now me saying hi to you if fucking around?" Julia retorts. "Sorry for being friendly, next time I'll just ignore you."

"Stop fucking around!" she repeats, shouting it this time. "You know exactly why I'm here."

"No, I don't. I'm not a mindreader." Julia snaps, and I sigh.

"Can we please stop? People are staring." I say, and Alex looks at me, her eyes blazing with anger.

"Oh, so now you want to get involved? Either admit to what you did or shut the fuck up Helaina." Alex snaps, and my jaw drops. "Are you happy? Now more people are looking at you, just like you wanted since you always need to be the center of attention."

"Don't talk to her like that!" Julia screams, jumping up. "Helaina, we're leaving."

"What?" I ask, but she ignores me. Julia pulls me up by my arm and drags me with her as she begins to walk away.

"We'll be in the dorm if you care. You can come talk to us when you stop making accusations, screaming, and being rude." Julia says, and we walk away.

"Julia!" I hiss, yanking my arm out of her grip. "What are we supposed to do?"

I glance back over my shoulder to see if Alex is still sitting there. She is, and she's watching Julia and I. I can see the hardness on her face has disappeared, and instead, I just see sadness.

"We deny everything. She has no proof that we know anything, so it's her word against ours. We can deny as much as we want and she can't definitely prove otherwise." Julia says, and I frown.

"Jules, I don't know if I can do that." I say, and Julia laughs.

"Um, yes you can and yes you will." she says, and when I don't respond, she sighs. "Helaina, we don't have an option right now. It's either tell Alex the truth and have her kill us or lie and live. I don't know about you, but I'd like to continue breathing."

"You're being dramatic. Alex wouldn't kill us." I say as we walk into the lobby of our building.

"Literally, no. Figuratively, yes." Julia says. We head into the elevator and press the button for our floor.

"I feel guilty. I can't look Alex in the eyes and tell her that I don't know what she's talking about. Plus, she's clearly hurting. I mean, no happy person is going to be writing depressing things like that. Maybe she isn't out yet and that's why she flipped out the way she did." I say, trying to come up with a reasonable explanation for Alex's behavior.

The doors begin to shut, and I hear a voice yell, "Wait!" I look up to see Alex running towards the elevator. I put my hand against the elevator doors so they open back up, holding it for Alex. She rushes inside the elevator and I move back to stand next to Julia.

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