10: In The Rain

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Star stayed put after she finished her callback. Despite being able to leave because she wasn't trying for any of the minor parts, she remained in her seat, watching all the others go. The rest of the girls trying to get the lead preformed- Star thought they were pretty good, but none of them stood out to her. She watched as each person, familiar and unfamiliar faces, got onstage, performed, then left. Or sometimes, they'd sit back down, only to leave after the next role was called and the next batch of performers prepared themselves to go onstage.

She wasn't sure why she stayed. Well, actually, that was a lie- she had plenty incentive to stay. What made no sense to her was that nobody else did, and nobody commented on her remaining presence. Shouldn't someone have noticed? Star knew for a fact that staying behind just made her look more professional and passionate about her potential role. She hoped Mr. Diaz noticed. There may also be the issue that she didn't really want to go home- and who could blame her? The Butterfly household may have been rich, but Star was normally home alone once she got home from school.

The last performer took his final bow, and the remaining audience erupted in applause. Star heard the sounds of kids packing their things up, ready to leave- the rustling of backpacks, feet stomping, and light chatter- yet remained still in her seat.

She noticed that Marco hadn't budged at all, either. Some small part of her nagged her that 'no,' she 'shouldn't talk to him because he doesn't care, and why should you talk to him anyway? Why do you care anyway?'

But another smaller, slightly crazier half of her said, 'Talk to him. Do it.'

And so, she suppressed the butterflies in her stomach and opened her mouth. "Does your dad drive you home?" she asked.

He looked slightly surprised that she was talking to him, but answered anyway. "Uh, yeah. Not today though. He's got some work to do, and the school is his office."

"So you walk?"


"Me too." Wow, Star, smooth. What a great thing to say. He's sure to be won over by that.

"You know, the sky's overcast. And I'm pretty sure it's going to rain." Marco said out of nowhere.

Star blinked. "It was pretty sunny this morning, how do you know that?"

"Trust me."

"Okay, I trust you." After a moment of silence and Marco fumbling for something in his backpack, probably his phone, Star said, "So are you telepathic with the clouds?"

Marco looked at her and laughed. "What?" He had to pause just to get his words out, and the grin on his face brought an even bigger smile to Star's. "No!" She decided that she wanted to see him laugh like this again. She was determined.

But that little voice inside her head rang again. Star looked away, nervous. "Sorry, that was a weird thing to say."

"No, don't be sorry! It's not-" he hesitated. "Okay, it is a little bit weird, but it's funny. You're funny."


"Really." Star's eyes flicked back and forth between Marco and the final few kids leaving the auditorium. He was smiling. And it was genuine. "You said you trust me, so you have to believe me."

Star huffed. "Fine," she teased, but the other tiny voice in her head mumbled something stupid, along with the lines of 'I'll always believe you, Marco, ~' She shook her head. "I'd better get going now."

"Yeah, me too." Marco slung his backpack over his shoulder and started walking towards the exit. Star followed behind him- there wasn't enough room in the auditorium for two people to walk down the alises.

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