Chapter 1: 🐝 That Day 🐝

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                Chapter 01: That day
                Book playlist: Bestie

Shelli's P.O.V

"Wake up lazy bum !!" Were the words that woke me.
"What". I said still half asleep. Wait that was a boys voice.
"Rye"! I said jumping up. " what are you doing in here?"
"Well I texted you and you never answered so I came over". He said with an amused smile.
"Well yh i was asleep and we aren't supposed to be meeting till 11:00". I said pulling the duvet tighter around me. God i must look a sight.
"Its half 11 that's why im here." He said his smile getting bigger.
"What?" I said." No its not my alarms set for 9". I look over to my bedside table to get my phone but it wasn't there.
"Its downstairs." Rye said turning around and walking out the room." You have 5 minutes or we are leaving without you. We're already late".
"Crap but--" I started to say but rye was already gone. He gets more annoying by the day, sometimes I wonder how we're still friends.
Bang bang bang
Came from my door which knocked me out of my daydream.
" you done or are you coming in your PJs"shouted rye from outside.
"You wouldn't dare!" I shouted back as I ran to the bathroom to change.
"Oh wouldn't I ?" Shouted Rye.
" oh shut up im nearly done im just doing my hair."I call coming out of the bathroom with my coat. I open the door and he's not even there.
"Rye?" I say." Rye where are you?" I say as I walk down the stairs and down the corridor towards the front door, when one of the side doors swing open and hit me square in the face and the next thing i know im on the floor.
"RYE YOU IDIOT! " I yell as he laughs at my face. "what the hell?"
"told you so" he said picking me up.
"Oh you are so dead." I say as we make are way to the car. He gives me a smirk before getting in. Why is he so annoying?

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