How the polar bear became white

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A/N first:
Thank you so much to everyone for the likes, comments and views. I've left watt pad for a long time to focus on school and stuff, but when I came back to the story I wrote as a child, I was so surprised. I found views, likes and very kind comments. I always thought of this story as something small I did as a child when I had time and left behind, but now you have all motivated me to carry on. I will now make time to write this story, and it will CERTAINLY have more quality as I've grown seven years since I first wrote those stories (I'm so old😭). I'll still keep the cover I made (I think it's cute :3) and the old stories, and I found another book filled with stories and ideas of stories hidden in my gran's old house (turns out I left it there for 6 years😁!). Thank you everyone! (Oh, and please excuse the replies I sent in the previous stories, I probably accidentally sent the same thing 3 times😅)
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One day, when Bear was walking, snake ~slipped~ under him from behind, and stopped in front of Bear.
Bear was so startled, his brown hairs stood up so fast they could catch a plane! They stood up so fast they could run in the Olympics! They stood up so fast they.... well, they fell off. All his hairs were on the ground like the floor in a barbershop. Bear's cheeks were red. He was embarrassed. Snake felt bad, so he offered bear some of his skin. Bear thought of it for a while.
"Well, it isn't my style," bear said, examining the green skin,"but I'll take it anyway". Snake shed some of his skin and gave it to bear.
"What are you going to wear?" asked Bear
"My skin grows back quicker than..." Snake thinks for a while.
"Well, quicker than your hair stood up!" chuckled Snake, before leaving.
Bear look at the skin for a good five seconds. He then tried to squeeze into the skin. Is was too long, but too narrow. He saw a beehive.
"Hmm..." he thought.
Well, there was a lot of sticking and cutting (sounds like a picture collage project!), but bear managed to end up with pieces of snake skin covering his body.
"This could work" he thought, with his scaly skin.
He continued his walk. He then passed a pond. He saw frog in the pond.
"Ribbit! That looks horrible, who's fashion advice did you take to look like that!" Frog says, with a disgusted look on his face
"Snake offered-"
"That snake! He doesn't know ANYTHING about fashion, always so dry and rough! Why don't you take my advice and make your skin shiny, smooth and slimy like mine!" He says proudly.
Bear thought for a while.
"Well, I don't want to look horrible!" He thinks to himself.
"Alright!" Bear says, before jumping into frog's slimy pond.
Bear gets out of the pond, with shiny, smooth, slimy and scaly skin.
"Yippee!" cheers Frog,"You look stunning. Hop along now, hop along!"
Bear continues his walk. Crow appears.
"Heehee! Look at Bear! Look at Bear!" he laughs, making Bear feel bad.
"Here, I'll help ya! You need soft, fluffy feathers like me!" crow hands a few feathers from his satchel to bear.
"I was just about to deliver these feather to a mother wanting to build her nest, but I'm sure there'll still be enough!" he says. Bear sticks the feathers on top of the slime. His skin now looks shiny, smooth, slimy and soft. He looked rather odd.
"Thank you!" said Bear, as crow flew away. Bear continued walking.
Night soon fell, and it was freezing cold. The stuff on his skin weren't keeping him warm and they felt uncomfortable but Bear didn't want to take them off because he didn't want to embarrass himself. After a while, he couldn't take it anymore. He removed the stuff on his skin and tried to look for a solution by himself. He found a plant that grows hairy fruit. He took the hairs and placed them on himself. He was feeling much warmer. He then felt very tired and fell asleep on the snow.
When he woke up, he found himself covered in snow. He dug himself out of the snow. He looked down and screamed. He couldn't find his own body. He looked twice, and noticed that he wasn't looking at the snow, he was looking at his hair which is now snowy-white. He wondered how this could've happened. Was it the fruit, maybe it was the cold snow, but bear didn't care what it was. He loved his skin no matter what anyone else told him.

Moral: Be comfortable in your own skin, no matter what criticism others might throw at you.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2017 ⏰

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