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I heard "Wonderwall" through your headphones and cracked a little smile when you got the words wrong.

-LoveStruck-The Vamps


Emmy's P.O.V

Joey walked into the kitchen. Still mad at me for not telling him where I was going. Im not sixteen and he isn't my father, I wish he was as worried about our daughters messing around then he was about me doing it.

I sighed loud enough for him to hear as I pour a cup of tea.

"Stop." He said. "Stop what? Breathing? Thats mean to say." I told him.

"Don't twist my words around god im fucking tired of you." "Really because three days ago you wanted to Marry me."

"Why are you such a bitch to me Emmy? Why are you such a fucking jerk to everyone you encounter!? No one ever does anything to you but you treat then like they're an ashtray to put your cigarettes out in." He raised his voiced.

"My ashtrays are much more important to me than you."

He slapped me. Right across the face like he owned me. I slapped him back but harder.

"Don't you ever fucking touch me." "Wow I bet thats the first time you've ever said that to a man Emmy!"

I walked out of the house and into the yard. He observed me from the front steps. I screamed letting out all my anger that was kept in for years.

"Do you even fucking love me?" I asked. "I always ask this and you always say 'Yes I love you more than anything.'But I say thats fucking bullshit! You don't love me Joey! You don't and I need you to but you don't! And the reason you don't is because I treat you like shit and you need to leave me but you won't and i don't know why you won't. You need better.!"

He walked up to me, we were face to face.

"I love you, I love you so much but do you love me, or do you love me because I love you? I don't get you what so ever because you say you want me then you fuck half of L.As men population. I need you to really love me!"

"Thats the thing! I don't know how to love! Joey, you want the type of 'Lets dance around the room and have kids after marriage and lets be together forever.' and I want the type of 'Lets ruffle the sheets and lets the clothes fall to our feet.' kind of love that isn't even Love more of a dirty session in bed ill regret someday."

"You need help Emmy, I dont know if its physical, Mental, or Relationship help but you aren't in a good place. You haven't been in awhile."

"Im crazy." "Thats not what im saying Em."

"But you know its true. I don't need this, I don't want it to be like this. Im a self centered whore who is a bitch to everyone I meet."

"Yeah but ill love you, and ill help you." He told me. "Please don't just say that." I said. "Im not."

I started crying.

"But when I screw up, You'll leave. And I made a stupid promise to Cherish- Ugh! Nevermind." I said. "What?"

"I made Cherry a promise that'd I try harder to love you and she'd try harder to stay safe. That's why she hasn't gone out in awhile and I need to keep that promise but I'm not doing the best of job at doing that." I said.

"We can always try." He smiled. "Promise?" I asked. He sighed. "I promise." he told me.

He cupped my cheeks and kissed me. It was the most passionate kiss this mans lips have shared with mine and in that moment I new I could trust him all over again.

"There its sealed with a kiss." he smiled and leaded me inside.

I turned and saw Sawyer standing on his front porch, a smirk upon his face.

When we made eye contact he was turning around to go back inside. My stomach turned as if I was going to throw up. And I did.

"Are you still sick?" Joey asked. "No, I just smelled something bad." I said. Joey shrugged not asking any of it.

Here we go.

Endlessly (Joey Graceffa fanfic) Book:4Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt