13-Already Home

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You say love is what you put into it,
You say that im losing my will.
Dont you know you're all I think about? You make up half of my whole
-Already Home- A Great Big World 

Emmy's P.O.V

"Matty! Calm down baby!" I said. We were at one of Cherry's many doctors appointments. Matty wasn't behaving what so ever. He was throwing major fits.

"Flawsy get your brother!" I sent Flawsy out of the room to go calm him down. I smiled over to Cherry's doctor. "Kids these days.." I laugh slightly. "Yes usually seven year old's are better behaved by now." She told me. "Hes five." I reassured. "Some mothers raise their kid as though they were that age." 
I tensed growing super pissed off at this bitch of a doctor. Joey squeezed my thigh. 

"Relax Em." He whispered. "Who does she think she is?" I whisper back. "A doctor thats willing to help us, Now calm down and it'll be over before you know it." He pecked my shoulder. 

"Sorry..But uhm lets focus on Cherish." I said referring my attention back to the doctor. "Right, The cancer one." 
I seen Cherry roll her eyes as though being called 'The Cancer One' didn't bother her in any sort of way. It bothered me a hell of a lot. 

"Alright, well it looks as though your rashes are clearing up nicely Meaning chemo is working in your favor. Do they itch?" 

Cherry shook her head no and i could tell she was uncomfortable. "I just want to leave, can we go?" She asked the doctor. The bitch nods and goes to get sign out papers. "Whats wrong with you?" Joey asked Cherry as soon as the doctor stepped out. 

"Nothing besides I need a shot of Vodka, I need a vacation, You too need to make up your mind on weather you want to screw each other or rip each others heads off there for ill be less confused, I need a powerful drug, I haven't got laid in three month myboyfriend is ignoring me,and the icing on top of the shit cake that is my life, I have fucking cancer!" She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Cherish Rae." "What? Am i grounded? Are you taking away my social life? Go ahead because my life is already being taken away. Day by day my skin cells are being eaten away by something so much more poweful than any punishments my shit parents could possibly give me. So safe yourself a breath and save me a lecture and tell me how much you care after im barried in the god damn ground." 

Joey was silent, so was I. 

"Don't try to make them feel more sorry than they already do Cherry." Endy said. "I only speak the truth Endless." 

I look at the ground. Flawsy came back in with Matty sleeping in her arms. She handed him to Joey.

*Back Home*

I was looking through my old laptop I found that still worked. I looked through the pictures. Some of me and Joey just kissing. Me and Mily when she first moved here. She looked so nice and happy. She still looked like a slut though. Her red hair realing me in to how pretty she use to be. My hair is blue and long. 

I deleted the picture. 

I looked at another, me and Sawyer. This one was older than the one of Mily and I. My hair was full blonde. Sawyer had his arm around my waiste, Me forcing a smile on my face.

This was before Kids, Before relationships, Before lies, Before every one grew up and moved on from one another. 

Before we had to decide weather I love was the truth or a terrible lie.

"What are you doing?" Joey asked sneaking up on me. I jump slightly. "Trying to drown my sorrows in the internet and orange soda." 
He laughed at me, The smiled he made when he was being bashful. I shut the laptop. 

"Come lay with me." I said. He curled up under the covers next to me. I cuddled into his warm chest as i felt his breath hit my scalp. 

"You okay?" He asked. "What am i doing wrong?" I asked. "Nothing, Cherish is just being bitter and stubborn. Shes been that way since the day she was born. You now how she is." "No, Not just with Cherry, What am I doing wrong in life? In love? What happened?" 

I felt him shrug. 

"Nothing. Emmy. Listen you need to stop thinking so down on yourself. Nothing is wrong with you. You are perfect and beautiful and you have people that love you, And the person that needs someone like you the most and loves you the most is Cherry. She needs you."

Joeys words seem so right yet so hard to believe.

Endlessly (Joey Graceffa fanfic) Book:4Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt