Introducing: My Roommates

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          "That's enough River." was the greatest attempt I could take at convincing him not to hurt the guy across the street. Taw, River and I were sitting outside our apartment steps, the sun burning bright, a light breeze brushing the grass, looking across the street at the guy who dared check Taw and I out in the presence of River.

          The guy across the street was actually good looking. His all black chucks, skinny knee-length shorts, and Blood On The Dance Floor tank top did him justice, and his long, jet black hair styled in the "swoosh" gave him the mysterious vibe Taw and I were oh so wild about. And River knew it. He went on a rage fit, cussing the guy out, screaming things like " Stupid cunt!" and "Have some respect!" .

          I understood why people liked Taw so much. She was tall. About 5'11, maybe even Six feet. Her petite body was brown, the color of Hershey's chocolate. Her arms were toned. Her boobs were medium sized, her butt- well, she didn't have much of a butt. "A big butt means there's a lot of fat down there anyways" she always said, and when i thought about it, it was true. Her face was cute, almost baby-like for a 20-year-old, and her eyes were light brown. She was always smiling or laughing, her contagious laugh causing everyone around her to laugh along. People would define her as a stud. Tank tops were all she wore this time of year. Tank tops and Camos was what me and her had been sticking too for the last few weeks. Chucks were a must 365 days a year (except for on leap years of course.) Her hair fell to just above her shoulders, slick and black, straight as Asian hair, but with the feel of the usual black peoples hair. Taw's real name was Tarwin, and she had hated her name ever since kindergarten. Everyone always made a point of saying her name and proceeding to make fun of it , until I came along in 9th grade that is. I stood up for her, and people backed down. She still disliked her name, so I pondered for a whole 3 minutes before I decided her nickname would be Taw, and from then on, it stuck. Four years later, and the only people who called her Tarwin were officials.

          River was still ranting as Taw and I looked at each other knowingly, got up, and walked into our apartment. Within 2 seconds, he followed us inside and plopped down onto the couch.

          I stood there, checking him out for a bit. His jet black hair was exactly like Kellin Quinn's, his deep green eyes could make any girl sigh dreamily. He was exactly 6'1, 19-years-old, skinny in a built way, always wore chucks, wore skinny shorts this time of year, and either a tank top, or no shirt at all. His tattoo's were almost all Asian influenced, the rest were Wicca related or just random. A pentacle on the left part of his chest, a Triple Moon Goddess on his left bicep, a triquetra on his left, and in between all of that, he had a left sleeve of a vibrantly colored dragon, coy fish, and the Orochimaru sign, and a left sleeve of stars and musical notes. Behind his left ear a trail of cherry blossom petals began, making a path down , horizontally across his neck, and ending at his right shoulder. People would describe him as the Punk-Rock bad ass.

         I looked at Taw in her camos, black and white Chucks, and Black MBLAQ tank and realized,  "Compared to Taw and River, I'm the plain, boring one." At 5'10 I was the shortest of the three of us. I was a tad darker than River. My hair, down past my shoulders and wildly curly, was never the same color for more than a year. Sometimes I'd be bored and would dye it red, orange, purple, green, or blue. Sometimes I'd be tired of the colors and go back to my original dark brown. My boobs, they were pretty small. As a 19-year-old, I knew for a fact They wouldn't be growing any bigger, and I was fine with that most of the time. My stomach was In shape. After three years of working them out every day with Taw, we developed  nice 4 packs. My butt on the other hand, was a problem. It was bigger than usual, and not in a bad way. It was just... big. Although Taw believed that a big but just meant you had a lot of fat in that general area, she complimented on my rear end at least 5 times a month. Lately, with all the heat, the three of us had been on a strict, Chucks only, shorts only, tanks only rule. Right now, I was wearing jean short shorts, a white Falling In Reverse tank-top, and white Chucks with studs in the back.

          "Do you have to do that every time someone looks at us Riv?" Taw asked giggling. His only response for a while was a meaningful stare. "I worry that someone will take you guys away from me." He said. "If that happens, what the fuck will I even exist for?"

          Taw and I looked at each other. After 10 seconds of quiet mental communication, we smirked at each other and pounced on him, dying of laughter.

          "Don't worry Rivy, we won't leave you!" I said hugging him tightly.

          "Yeah, we're worried you'll leave us!" Taw chimed in.

          River looked at each of us and burst out laughing. "I love you two. You guys are the best."

          Taw and I looked at each other, satisfied with his new mood. "We know." we said in unison. "Now go make us some sammiches. Be generous with the Nutella. Meadow and I are gonna drive down to Stop and Shop to get us some movies from Redbox since Netflix is down, okay Riv?" Taw said walking out the door, with me in tow not bothering to wait for an answer. She threw me in the passengers seat and hopped into the drivers seat of the red Mustang the three of us pitched in to buy.

          "Let's go." she said. "We'll go to the Brazilian market to buy some sausages and  pick up Onyx while we're at it." She said.

          I squealed in excitement. Everybody knew that when Meadow, Onyx, River and Tawwere in the apartment together, it meant something spontaneous was going to happen. Like a week ago, when everyone 15 to 21 years of age in the whole neighborhood ended up coming over for a water balloon fight at 1am. I wondered what we'd end up doing this time.

*Should I continue? I'm not sure If this is any good... At all. So, tell me if I should continue the story or if I should just delete it.*

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