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THE TAP HAD BEEN RUNNING FOR TWENTY MINUTES BEFORE KIMBERLY SNAPPED OUT OF WHATEVER TRANCE SHE WAS IN AND SAT IN THE BATHTUB. She had been too busy staring at the full length mirror in from of the bath to realise that the hot liquid had slowly began to drip out of the tub. Who ever felt the need to place such a large mirror in such an inconvenient place?

It felt like a great idea at the time, the newly of age couple giggling together over the idea of watching their significant over bathe via the obnoxiously large mirror in their first apartment. Kimberly felt her heart rise to her throat at the happy memories. The water in the bath was burning hot, yet she didn't care to notice as the redness from her skin was unnoticeable from underneath all the dirt that covered her usually-fair body.

She reached a shaky hand up to her face to wipe away the wetness, although she didn't remember wetting her face in the process of sitting in the bath, and flinched at the feeling of pressure on her wounded face. Kimberly forcefully shut her brown eyes, only to openand focus them back on the mirror seconds after.

Her body was full of them, wounds. Her legs, arms, neck, face, stomach, back and places were she never felt such pain before were all throbbing in agony due to the new decorations that decided to habitat on them. Each scratch consisted of its own unique story. Stories which triggered further wetness to splurge from Kim's swollen eyes.

In her state of frozen despair, Kimberly forgot to turn off the tap. Not that she realised such a thing, her eyes remained glued on that huge piece of glass until the very moment that her boyfriend burst in through the door.

Terry; now instead of her own naked body, Kim's gaze glued itself onto the equally distraught teenage boy. He was the reason she decided to visit Hogwarts when it was in need of support, the reason for the emptiness behind her eyes and the reason and the reason why her body currently resembled a scene she'd only seen in her father's hidden 'scary cassette tapes'. Her eyes shut again, holding her hand out to him on instinct.

Following her actions, Terry also stripped off his clothes and got into the tub, his back uncomfortably resting on the tap that was still causing hot water to turn their bathroom into a miniature lake. A lake of sorrow, one might say. Their hands remained intertwined as the couple carried on checking each other's wounds and comparing them to their own. For each found injury, the tears falling from their eyes increased in numbers.

No words were exchanged for a while. The bathroom was filled with a needed, deadly silence up until Kimberly's eyes slipped back onto the mirror she was previously hypnotized by. The sight of the two sitting in red-stained water set a wave of fury in the girl as she let out the sobs she was desperately trying to hide before.

She screamed, yelled, not caring about anything other than the hideous mirror causing her and her lover all this pain. As if it was a reflex, and maybe it was, Kim grabbed the closest item to her right and threw it at the mirror.

It was a sponge; the mirror did not break.

The obvious lack of breakage further angered the teen. It was as if the mirror was taunting her, daring her to even try to discard of all the traumatising memories she made that morning. So she carried on. Shampoo bottles, razors, makeup, clothes, roles of paper, vases, toothbrushes, perfumes, towels, soap bars, air fresheners and basically anything she could find was thrown at the mirror. And what did Terry do? He joined her.

They didn't stop when their voices became raw from the yelling nor when the dreaded mirror finally smashed and tiny pieces of glass when flying into the bath, probably causing them more injuries. Their hands stopped involuntarily only when they ran out of items to throw. And instead of getting out of the continuously overflowing bath, they wrapped their arms around each other and wept some more.

welp have a chapter
i'll keep the '[COMING SOON]' on the title bc i'll probably take a little longer writing the rest.

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