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KIMBERLY STARED AT THE PLASTIC STICK IN HER HAND FOR THE TENTH-TIME THAT EVENING, BEFORE FINALLY PUTTING IT TO REST IN ITS TEMPORARY HIDING PLACE. She, unsuccessfully, tried wiping the large grin off of her face and went back to organizing all the knives and forks so that they faced the same way in the drawer; an annoying habit of hers.

Kim never wanted to be a mother. She was an only child, never as spoilt as children with siblings assumed she was, and made a point to declare from a young age that she won't have children until at least the age of forty. She felt that once that age was reached she'd manage to get her way around giving birth; just like she had done with getting braces when she was twelve.

Yet here she way. Twenty-one, living with her boyfriend of five years and with a real life fetus soon-to-be forming in her womb. And most surprisingly of all, she wasn't upset. Angry at Terry for not using the contraceptive charm correctly? Yes. Scared for her life because of all the pain she'll soon have to go through? Also yes. But beneath it all, she was somewhat excited to meet this spawn of her and Terry's chromosomes. No matter how much gossiping she'll hear about becoming a mother without being married first from all of her millions of aunties.

So lost in her thoughts, Kimberly managed to successfully flip two forks and three knives before she heard the swift sound of apparition coming from the living room. Closing the drawer with her hip, she wiped her sweaty palms off on her skirts and made her way to greet her boyfriend, as she does every evening that she gets home before him.

However before she could as much as take two steps to the door separating the two rooms, an overly giddy Terry Boot ran into the kitchen, slipping slightly on his socks, and tackled her into a hug. Kim squealed and wrapped her arms tightly around his short neck as he, poorly, attempted to pick her up and spin her around, like he'd seen Muggles do in the movies she'd made him watch.

"I have the most exciting news ever." he claimed, keeping his arms wrapped tightly around the ginger girl after his failed attempt at being romantic.

"Oh yeah?" she asked, eyeing him in amusement, "What is it?"

"It's a work thing. I know that you don't like potions but this could literally change the way we view the importance of certain ingredients in the whole Wizarding world." he rambled, abandoning his girlfriend's teasing hold to go look through the two plastic bags he brought with him from work.

"So get on with it before I fall asleep, Boot."

"Right," he coughed "well Collins' paternity leave started today, so boss moved me over to continue brewing his Skele-Gros since its been almost six months since he touched those up. But me being me I somehow ended up grounding the Scarab beetles instead of cutting them up, and the potion ended up a rich gold colour."

"Weird right? It obviously wasn't a Skele-Gro potion, so I took it up to the head of department to have them test whatever it was that came out. And according to Jensen, who heard from Bell that overheard the boss contacting Collins about it, we might've formed some weird version of Felix Felicis, meaning Liquid Luck."

So concentrated on his speech, his brain was unable to work properly, resulting in him rustling the same bag five time as his search continued. All while Kimberly watched him do so in adoration.

"And the best part is, if it does come out as Felix Felicis then I'll be the one to have made that discovery. Me, Terry Boot! Do you know how hated by the whole department I'll be? They already hate that I've managed to get two promotions in the short time I've worked with them. Just imagine what they'll think if I just might bloody discover a whole new, easier way to brew something as complex as actual Liquid Luck! It'll be amazing Kim!"

Before he could carry on with his ranting, Kimberly pulled his arms away from their fumbling state and pulled him towards her for a short kiss.

"I'm so proud of you, Terry." she sighed, as the two hugged. Purposely leaving out telling him that she understood pretty much none of his 'potions talk'.

Smiling a wide, cheesy grin, he turned his head to the side and pressed a loud kiss to where her palm was rested on his cheek, "Good."

Without further warning, Terry moved himself away from Kim and back to his previous searching. Finally finding what he was looking for, he smiled to himself and pulled the thin bottle of alcohol out of the white bag. Kim's face immediately paled.

"I say this called for a celebration." he said, pouring two "His & Hers" glasses halfway full with the slightly-yellow liquid.

Kim hid her smile behind her hand as she kindly declined the glass that he held out to her, "Sorry, Terry, I can't."

"Of course you can!" he exclaimed in return, false astonishment laced in his voice, "I especially stopped at Tesco for this over-priced bullshit."

"No, babe. I'd love to, but I literally can't." she repeated, emphasising all of her words separately.

Huffing in annoyance once the clueless look didn't fall from his face, she took his hand in hers and placed it on her, not in the slightest bit changed, stomach. Realisation finally flooded his features.

"Oh," he sounded, his eyebrows permanently gluing themselves to his hairline in shock, "So you're...."




"Yeah, cool."

The two soon-to-be parents looked each other in the eyes before they began to laugh hysterically, Terry leaning against the doorframe and Kimberly leaning on him in support. They laughed for a solid five minutes before they came back to their senses and threw themselves into each other arms. Both incredibly terrified yet incredibly happy.

Terry was the first to pull away, though only slightly enough to be able to place his hand back over her stomach.

"Hey there little one," he whispered, "I'm the guy who put you there. Well I helped anyway."

"Terry you dumb fuck, the baby isn't even real yet. No wonder you failed school." Kim scolded, huffing as she moved his hand away from her stomach and back around her shoulders.

He pouted in response, refusing to give in and forcefully moved his hand once again. The two held each other's gazes in an intense staring completion, though not for long as the previous grins took their original places on their faces. And then they were laughing and hugging and kissing all over again.

how cute - SPOILER; the child will be a girl
also can we give me props for coming up with that weird ass potions rant that makes no sense?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2018 ⏰

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