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I woke up that morning with one hell of a hangover. My brain was pounding against my skull as I slowly assessed my situation. I thought about last night events as I attempted to steady my brain. I closed my eyes a took a deep breath as I tried to piece it all together. I remember meeting Ryans friends and rejecting that dumb game. It only went fuzzy after my dumb ass started to down vodka. I groaned at my actions before finally gaining the strength to open my eyes.

As I made yet another short assessment I realized just how fucked  I truly was.

"God fucking dammit. Ryan get the hell up!" I screeched shaking the naked man next to me. I grabbed my underwear and threw them both on as I yet again attempted to shake Ryan awake.

"What the Hell do you want" Ryan said opening his eyes. He looked me up and down and threw his head back into his pillow.

"Fuck" He groaned "Please tell me this is you trying to seduce me...."

"Hell no" I said before he could fully finish the stupid phrase.

"So we actually fucked?"

"Most likely"


"What are you so pissed about?" I asked getting up from my spot.

"Now it's gonna be awkward as fuck and your gonna want to talk and shit like every other girl in the world." Ryan said sliding on his boxers.

"Bullshit, I want nothing to do with you or this memory. " I said throwing on my dress from last night.

"You say that now, but your gonna see me with another girl and get all jealous and shit" Ryan said throwing on a fresh pair of boxers.

"Have I ever acted like your average girl?" I asked

"Not yet"

"Exactly, so do me a favor and act like this never happened" I grabbed the rest of my costume and quickly walked out of his room and into my own. As soon as I got into the room I was on a mission to end my head ache. As soon as I took something for my headache I was quick to jump in the shower. The shower was longer than normal but after last night I knew I needed it. After the shower I threw on my underwear along with some sweatpants and a comfortable shirt. I tied my hair into a messy bun before making my way down stairs. It was around 3pm and to say I was starving is an understatement.

"Hey Luna?" Ally smiled as I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey" I smiled as I made searched the fridge.

"Where did you go last night, I didn't see you the whole night?"

"I crashed, I am not the most interesting drunk" I laughed taking a bit of the sandwich I made.

"Oh, well at least you had fun" She laughed

"Hey, do you wanna go to the mall?" she asked

"No, I just woke up. I have to do my lessons" I said grabbing my laptop and sitting on the bar stool.

"Why don't you just skip?" she asked sipping her coke.

"It's not like a regular school " I chuckled.

"Well, enjoy your boring school, I am going to meet some friends." Ally said grabbing her bag.

"I will " I called with a laugh.

I winced at the screen as my head began to pound. I started the math lesson with a groan. I attempted the first problem with no success. After watching the video's a thousand times I still couldn't figure this out.

"How the actual fuck am I supposed to get x out of that?" I screeched.

"Having some issues?" I herd Ryan laugh as he walked into the kitchen.

"Math fucking sucks!" I yelled.

"You want some help?" He said looking at my laptop screen.

"Thats easy let me see the paper" Ryan grabbed my scratch paper and pencil and drew out the problem in much simpler steps. He typed in the answer only to hear a ding, which meant he had gotten it right.

"How the? How did you figure that out before me?" I said attempting the problem with the same steps Ryan had went by.

"I am smarter than I look"

"So what other classes do you have to take?" He asked

"Just Math and English" I commented.

"Math and English? That's it?" He said.

"Yeah, in my school I only needed three years of Science and History credits. I also got all my elective credits done in the past years. I was taking more just for the hell of it, but there is no point when its online school."

"True, need anymore help?" He asked

"No, i'm ok" I smiled and thanked him.

"No problem" He walked back towards the fridge and grabbed leftover pizza.

After hours of math and english I was finally done for the day. I stretched my legs and body before making my way back upstairs. The house was completely empty, Ryan had left shortly after he helped me and Ally still hadn't made her way back from the mall. I jumped in my bed and turned netflix on. I let myself relax as the sound of my current favorite netflix series fill my head.

I heard the door slam, assuming it was Ryan or Ally I ignored it and turned my show up louder. I heard loud footsteps coming up the stairs. As soon as my heart rate started to increase I heard the familiar sound of Ryan's voice. But Along with Ryan's voice I also heard a girl giggling. I was going to ignore Ryans usual random hook up but there voices only grew louder as they passed by my room. I sent Ryan a couple of texts and even called him, but he didn't answer at any point. I began to get very pissed off at his lack of consideration. This was nothing new for him, but he never made this much noise, not enough to actually bug me.

Finally after 20 minute of the outrageously loud noise I jumped out of bed and made my way towards his bedroom. I didn't open the door in fear of what I might see but I did knock on it.

"Ryan, seriously shut the hell up!" I screeched before walking away from the door and into my own bedroom.

I turned my TV up even louder as I let the anger very slowly drain from my body.

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