Mirror Mirror

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"Marriage?" He couldn't be hearing that right. Did his mother just say that he was getting married?

"That's right dear," his mother said as she gazed at him with striking green orbs. Rin Ichijouji was one of the most beautiful women he had ever known. When he was younger, he used to think that she could have been a sister of the beautiful goddess from one of his favorite animes Ah! My Goddess! With her tall, slim figure, long vivid blue locks, fair skin, and striking green eyes, it was no wonder why he thought she was the most beautiful and warm-hearted person in the entire world.

How could he not have seen it for what she was though? His mother was a very successful businesswoman and ran the family corporation with his father. Despite her friendly, warm appearance, his mother could be very cold and very single-minded at times. There would be many times in where she would put the business over him.

"Me and your father have found the perfect wife for you." His mother placed the folder she had been reading moments ago before he had barged into her office after being told about the marriage by his father while he was visiting him in his bedchamber.

Masao could only stare at her in dumb silence. "But...but...I don't know a single thing about her," he told her, hoping it could change her mind about this arranged marriage his parents were already starting into motion.

"Kurosawa Leiko-san is a very respectable and dedicated young lady," Rin stated matter of factly. Masao couldn't help but snort at the name, which got him a disapproving look from his mother. "Masao, Kurosawa-san comes from a long line of powerful leaders and nobles. She was groomed in the way of business, law, and leadership, as were you, and has proven to be the perfect successor to her father's company."

Masao frowned. So this marriage was all business then. "Masao, one day you will take over your father company. That is your duty as heir to the Ichijouji Corporation." Rin folded her hands in her lap as she gazed at her son with cold eyes. "I will not have you marry anyone or bore me a grandchild that is lower than perfection," her voice had a slight edge to it that made his chest twinge with anxiety. "Kurosawa-san is your only perfect suitor. You are to wed by the end of this week. Do I make myself clear?"


"Do I. Make. Myself. Clear?"

Masao was silent for a moment as he gazed at his mother with a frown of his own. Of course, his mother wanted a grandchild. But she wanted children that were perfect in every way. He wasn't perfect or obedient in any way and that was what made him think why she was pushing for this marriage. She couldn't bore any more children and his father was suffering from cancer. They were all so unsure if he would make it or not.

Despite that knowledge, Masao couldn't stop the pain that threatened to escape from his chest. It hurt that he couldn't marry anyone that he pleased. He had dated a couple of girls in his private school, but nothing too deep came from those relationships. His mother had made sure they knew they were unworthy to be his friend or future partner.

Masao sighed. He knew there was no way to change his mother's mind. She was the head of the company, now that his father was gravely ill. He had no say. At least with his father, he didn't have to worry about being bossed around and told what he can't do. His father was clueless at times, but he was sympathetic and understanding of his needs.

Masao bowed his head in submission. "Yes, Okaasan." Masao did his best to hide back the tears that began to prick at the corners of his eyes. He couldn't show the woman that he was hurt by her words. She did not like weakness. She loathed it and would lecture him of the ways of manning up if he didn't leave. Now.

And that was what he did.

Masao briskly walked down the long hallway away from his mother's office. He hadn't thought about where he was going. All he knew was that he had to get away. He had to get away from his parents. From their control. From this life. He had to get away from all of this.

Tail of Two Hearts: The Story of Masao IchijoujiWhere stories live. Discover now