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Nico please help me may you help me clean the house it needs a full on clean

Sure why not I got nothing better to do anyway

Thanks so much babe(A/N:oh my gods I hate to use that word Idk why I like nicknames better).

You too moved in with each other a month after your wedding which was not to long ago. You went into the garage and got the cleaning equipment when you returned and you two set to work, you started with the windows. You got a cloth and sprayed winded and started to wipe it down on one side while Nico did the other side. You heard a huff and a mumbled 'I'll be back'. You just shock your head in a friendly manner and continued to scrub. When he came back he had a Toothbrush you just looked at him with a confused expression. But when he started to clean the window with it you burst out laughing.


Nothing it's just hahahahhahaha you don't have to go that crazy

I don't care

Whatever you say you continued to clean

Then you went to dusting you just did quick dusting which gets rid of most of the dust while Nico went and cleaned shoes that had mud you went to check on him and found him using toothpaste to clean it.

You gave him a 'what the hell' face

"What is with you and toothpaste and toothbrushes?"

He just shrugged you continued cleaning until you had done everything you needed to clean, while Nico used very weird things to clean the house.

Then you enjoyed an nice evening with movies and tea.

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