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The smell of something cooking on the stove awoke you, the smell filled your nostrils  it was sweet and it smelt fruity. Pancakes you thought. You entered what could be a kitchen, after all you were on the Argo II. "Morning" you said a few mornings and nods could be heard and seen. You were about to sit down when Percy asked,

"Hey n/n could you go get Nico for breakfast"

"Uhh, sure" you said.

You walked down the hallway looking for Nico's room you finally found it at the end of the hallway. You knocked on his door no answer you knocked a little hard and called for him. He wouldn't respond so you entered his room and walked up to his bed and shook him.

"Nico, Nico wake up, wakey wakey. NICO WAKE UP. "


"That's it."

You had it, you threw the covers off him in hopes it would get him irritated. It worked but it also arose heat to your face because the idiot you were in love with was shirtless. He got out of bed furiously and glaring right at you.

"What do you want?" He asked through clenched teeth.

You tried to answer but the fact that he was shirtless made you stutter.

"Well get it out"

"Uhh... um, uh Percy breakfast call you."

You were as red as a Tomato by now and you desperately wanted to get out of the situation so you started to walk backwards trying to get to the door but you can't see where you're going and you trip. Nico had quick reflexes and caught you but the angle wasn't really able for someone to stand so instead you both fall and roll he ends up underneath you your hands on his chest faces only millimetres apart.

"I'm really sorry."

"It's ok."

It was awfully silent but a comfortable silence. His eyes flicked to you lips and back to your eyes as if asking permission to kiss you. As your answer you leaned in just a bit closer and so did he you guys leaned in a bit more and then your lips touched your lips moved in sync. It was passionate and loving with a pinch of lust. You guys parted and you kinda wanted to add a bit of humour to the moment,

"So, is that it or, you got something to say?" You asked cheekily.

"Well now that you mentioned it, uh wait, nope" he said with a smirk of his own ",y/n l/n will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes I shall, cause it's kinda weird if people just kiss and leave it like it was nothing," you answered.

"Hey guys-whoa I'll come back later anyways don't forget protection."

"Oh my gods, leoooooo"

"Hhaahahhahahha, bye"

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