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This was a request from @auroraG101 so here you go. Enjoy!!!!!

It was finally Easter and you were so excited for it. Even though it wasn't part of Greek religion, Camp half blood still celebrated Easter, all the cabin leaders were in the big house discussing it you were the Easter director so of course you were there.

"So, we need to plant all the Easter eggs all around camp half-blood, that will be the Hermes, Ares and Poseidon cabins job, we will have a scavenger hunt that will be Athena and Hephaestus cabins job and the Aphrodite cabin will be on face paint duty the rest of you will be decorating the pavilions."

"Wait who's goons be the Easter bunny?" Someone asked.

"Very good question my dear friend I have the perfect person to do that," you answered with a devilish look on your face.

* Nico's pov*

I was fast asleep and very comfortable, for your information, until a h/c cutie wandered into my cabin as if that very person owned the place.

"Oh Nico," y/n sung.

I chose to ignore y/n. Big mistake. Y/n started screaming my name and jumped around my bed until I answered them groggily,


"Will you be the Easter bunny?"

I glared at y/n before answering", no"

"Pwease, for me"









Alright fine I'll be your bunny

"Yay!" Y/n squealed. "Thanks"

Y/n pecked me on the cheek, I smirked,

"You missed"

Y/n gave me a puzzled look before I gave them a peck on the lips. Y/n just started blushing.

*3rd person pov*

And so that's when y/n got Nico to dress up as the Easter bunny.

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