Not Sorry.

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Johan sat down, huffing out a deep breath and leaning back. He closes his eyes, his eyebrows furrowing slightly at the unrelenting sense of familiarity from his last encounter with.. Someone... He couldn't remember..

"Hey, Johan!" he heard a familiar voice call. He turned, glancing at the darkening sky before calling back to his friend, Lovino, "Yeah?" It was then that he noticed the other boy. Blonde hair, lilac eyes, red hoodie and lightly framed glasses adorning his round face.
"I wanted to introduce you to my friend. He said that he might know you, so I figured, you know.. To see." Lovino says, speaking quickly. Johan nods. That was when the first pang of familiarity hit him.
Matthew smiled. It was a polite smile, but somehow seemed.. Sad, almost. Matthew looked at Lovino for a moment. "Yes, I think we've met before." He said. Lovino nods slowly, then backs up a bit. "I'll let you two catch up, then." The Italian turned around and walked away.
A moment later, it began to pour..
They quickly found cover where, despite the rain, Johan called and received a taxi for himself and Matthew. From there, it was silent. Matthew kept giving Johan worried looks, but never said anything.
Johan was busy trying to remember Matthew's name..

Matthew remembered everything. He didn't know, however, that Lovino would reintroduce him to Johan. He didn't know he was ready for it, either.
When he saw Johan, he was reminded of everything over again. But that was only a scar, now. Johan tried to cut him deeply, but Matthew was stronger than that.
And Matthew knew, during the car ride, that Johan could see who Matthew really was by this point. But he was too late, now. Sure, they could keep in contact, but...
Matthew refused to make the same mistake twice.

"Arthur." Johan said, his voice tight. "I heard you knew how to perform magic." Matthew watched from the sidelines. "So?" Arthur retorted.
Johan took a deep breath. "I want you to erase my memories. Anything to do with Matthew." Johan said. Arthur rose an eyebrow, but nodded. He jerked his head in a direction that led further into the house.
"Right." Said Arthur. "There's no promise you'll survive. So.. Live through this, and you won't look back." The Brit looked at Matthew. "Any last words before he forgets you completely?"
Matthew looks down at Johan, who was now seated in a chair. "I'm not sorry I met you." He starts off. "I'm not sorry it's over. I'm not sorry there's nothing to say." He continues. "I'm not sorry there's nothing to save." He finishes softly.
Johan nodded, then looked to Arthur. While Arthur performed the spell, Matthew slipped away.

To this day... Matthew isn't sorry. Odd, given his Canadian origins..

Not Sorry (NedCan)Where stories live. Discover now