Blind Dating! (Egypt X Reader)

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On a bright and sunny day you were walking in a park of (name of city) alone and was enjoying the gentle spring breeze. After getting tired of walking you sat on a bench under a shady tree.

While you were sitting you looked out at all the different kinds of people that were in the park. Some enjoying time with families, playing with their dogs, some were regular people enjoying time in the sun, and also were couples enjoying time together. You looked at the couples most of the time and thought to yourself, 'Oh how wonderful it is to have someone special to spend time with you.' Then, you started to have a depressed moment. "I envy them." You mumble to yourself with your head in a glum. But, you never let that get you down. Besides, you were supposed to enjoy your time relaxing from years' worth of hard work.

After you were done with your afternoon adventure you decide to go back home and go on the computer and chat with some of your online friends on "Skype". When your computer finally booted up and logged on, you click on the little icon on the bottom of your screen. Then a window incendently popped up and sadly your friends were either away or didn't want to be disturbed. "I guess nobody on "Skype" wants to talk today." You sighed sadly and click off. "I wonder if anyone on DA wants to talk to me." You thought and went on the internet and click on your favorites and then your "DeviantART" account.

Once it came up you look in your "friends" list in the right hand corner to see if they were on online. Again you don't have anybody to talk to today. The friends you usually talk to where not online or were. So, instead you check to see do you have any messages. That you had a few, but are most from people that are faves and comments of people that want to thank you for faving their work.

Considering you have been on here for a few months and that you put up a little of your work, but haven't summit into any groups yet, things are going to be a bit slow for a while. So, you just happily replied back to the comments anyway. After you were done, you became bored and had nothing to do. So, you started surfing the Internet and found some websites that seem interesting, but you were still bored until one of your friends called you on "Skype". "Hey! Somebody wants to talk with me!" you said excitedly.

Come to find out it was one of best friends. She got home from making a few errands and decides to talk for a bit.

"Hey! (Nickname), how it's going?" She said.

"Hi! I'm doing good, bored, but good." You answered.

"Ha-ha I see. I can probably fix that." She replied with a smirk on her face.

"What do you mean? Fix my boredom? And what's with the smirk, you know I don't like it when you do that!" You said a little angred.

"Hehehehe, but of course, actually I already set it in motion! Hehehehe!!!!" She said while giggling madly.

" What did you do, TELL ME!!!" you replied with your face a few inches from the screen and that it was turning red.

But this just intrigued your best friend even more because she loved annoying you so much. You tend to ask yourself how you even friends with her and best friend at that!

"Hahahahaha did anyone tell you that you look adorable when you are mad?" She said mischievously.

"NO, I DO NOT!!!! NOW TELL ME WHAT YOUR DEVIOUS PLAN IS OR I CAME TO HOUSE AND RIP YOU TO SHREDS!" Now for a person like you don't like it when someone say that "you are cute when you are angry" and you took that as a sign that they were not taking you seriously. So, you had to threaten them in order to get their attention. Expect for your best friend here, she sometimes know to take you seriously and that your mere threats don't eve phase her.

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