Chapter 9

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Ari Pov

We all was walkin to Bri room so we could see if she wanted to go in the game room wit us when we heard screaming and thumping. We ran to where it was .

?? QUAVO STOP!!!*screams*

We heard a gun shot . We found where it was . I stayed in the back wit Laylay. Set opened the door and his face was filled with anger and sadness. We seen blood and a hand . I seen all black stiletto nails . Thats Bri . Take went up and saw . He pushed pass all of us .

Laylay:*follows him* Take

Me:*goes closer*

I went in the room and saw some i never thought id see . I saw my bestfreind, Brianna Shadae Allen on the floor in a puddle of blood . Tears started running down my face instantly. We rushed her to the hospital. What if i just lost my bestfreind ???? I had to stop . Take was takin it worse . Take was close to Bri . He loved that girl and he'll die for her . He was pissed off .

4 hours later

We was still at the hospital at 3 this morning. The Dr finally came out . We walked over.

Dr: she's been beaten bad . She has 2 broke ribs and a gun wound in her side and lots of bruises . We dont exactly kno when she'll wake up . When she wakes up she'll be in alot of pain .

??:*comes out* she's up


Dr:follow me

Bri Pov

I woke up in pain all around me . I had a strong pain in my side and a headache. I started whining . It caught my attention when everybody walked in .


Them:*runs and hugs her*

Me:*hugs back*

Them:*lets go*

Rich:u ight

Me:*shakes her head*

I looked around and i aint see Take. He the only person that could make me happy right now

Me:*low* where milk dud

Laylay:he on his way he had (gco)

Right before she could finish he walked in the door . He came and hugged me .

Me:*holds on tight*

Take: u ight

Me:i am now

Take:*lets go* u hurtin

Me: bad

Take:*looks at her*

I seen him shed a tear when he looked at me .

Me:*wipes his face* calm down im ight


Me: if u leave dont do nun stupid

Take:*slight laughs*

Me: im not playin Khari

I had fans and other people i knew come visit me . I got all types of balloons and flowers . Ari cousin came by and he left me a big bag of snickers . They started leaving. Take and Laylay said they was gone stay . They left to go get they clothes and me some . I got up and went to the bathroom. My side started hurtin so i got a sprite and went back to my room . I was limping. My body was weak , most of it was sore and i was hurtin all over . I took my medicine and heard my door open. I looked up and saw Quavo . I shot him a death glare and sat my stuff down . I got up and put my hair in a messy bun. I laid down and he started talking.

Qua: Bri

Me:*rubs her side* what

Qua:im sorry i got mad cause she told me u said that

Me:*starts shedding tears* so u cant control yo anger enough to keep yo gun where u had instead u decide to beat me and shoot me......u had my trust and thats whatchu do Qua i couldn't say something like that if i tried . U 19 almost 20 years old and i love u . I had to much respect to do that. I wouldn't even argue with ha in front of u......but thats cool tho..............get out

Tears left my face constantly. He left . I just rubbed my side until i fell asleep.

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