Chapter 31

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Bri Pov
I woke up to my stomach , back , legs and head hurtin . I seen Qua gone he went to mama ( his mama) house . I brushed my teeth washed my face and took a shower. I got out lotioned my body and put on (mm) . I went back the bathroom . I sat in front of the toilet i felt like i had to throw up . I started thinkin about what i ate and there it was . I threw up and started coughin . My stomach started hurtin bad tears fell from my eyes . Ari and Laylay ran in and seen me .

Laylay:what happened

Me:*tells them*

Ari:how many pills u missed


Laylay: its probably food poisonin cause u did eat wendys last night

Me: im ight

Ari: u sho



I lied like a mf . I missed like 2 pills in a row . Now i dont really kno . I got 2 of Ari's pregnancy test and did my business. My leg jumped , my heart was beatin out my chest , it got hot , and i bit on my nails . I was nervous cause im scared of what might happen . I picked em up and walked in the room . My phone blinked and it was mama callin me


Mama😘:gm babygirl

Bri:gm mama

Mama😘:whats wrong

Bri:i cant even explain it right now lets just say i missed a pill or 2 and i threw up this morning. It might be food poisoning or..........

Mama😘:ok well call me when u find out


Convo over

I took a deep breath and looked down

I took a deep breath and looked down

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My heart stopped . I felt a burning in my body . I hit my head on the wall crying . I fell to the side and balled up . I ended up fallin asleep .


Ari Pov

After the boys got back we sat in the living room and chilled

Qua: she sleep

Me:yea she wasnt feelin good


He went upstairs in they room

Bri Pov

I woke up in Qua's arms and him puttin me on the bed .



Me: shut up u scared me

Qua:how u feelin

Me:my head still hurtin


Me and him laid down and watched tv . The whole thing ran thru my head " im pregnant wit Qua baby" , " hell nah i aint tellin him " , "dumbass he gone find out cause yo stomach " . Im not gettin a abortion. My baby deserve to live just as much as i do . I do kno my hormones gone kick my ass tho .

Me:*grips him tighter*

Qua:calm down babygirl u got me Forever

And we went to sleep


Sadly this is the end of this story . If i should keep goin

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