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"Ariel, honey hurry you're going to be late." My mom shouted.

"I'm going to be an outcast anyways, so why not be late." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh and I'm going to be late tonight. I wired money to your card so you can get something to eat tonight." My mom grabbed her keys.

"Thanks." I sighed.

We left the house at the same time.

"Mom." I rushed over to her. "Drive safe, be safe, think positive and remember that I love you."

She smiled at me and gave me a hug.

"Back atcha." She smiled.

I watched her get into her jeep and drive off. We have the same model care but different colors. Mine is red while her's is black. I got into my jeep and drove to school. Hopefully college life will be easy on me.

I made it to my first class with five minutes to spare. The class started to fill up with people. I took a deep breathe.

"You got this Ariel, don't be nervous." I told myself.

A girl with long black hair, put up in a pony tail sat next to me. She was quiet, looked down at her books, never bothered to even take a peep at me. As if I wasn't here. The professor walked in. She was short but not too short. She was Asian but I don't if she's Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Taiwanese or what. She looked kind though.

"Okay, let's get started. When I call your name say here." She spoke loudly.

She went through the names. It took her forever to get to my name.

"Hannah Terry?" She looked around.

"Here." The girl next to raised her hand.

"Ariel Vaze?" She finally said my name.

"Here." I raised my hand.

"That's everyone." She she put her attendance sheet up.

"Let's get started." She smiled, clapping her hands together.

Why does it feel like this day is going to go by slow and boring. I got my laptop, ready to type down notes. I don't know how fast she teaches or how she teaches but I wanted to be ready. My mom said that I didn't need to go to college, that I can take over the company when she wants to retire but I wanted to go to college at least get a degree so people won't look down on me.

We were in the middle of the lecture when the door opens. Two guys walked in. One with red hair and the other with dark brown hair.

"Sorry." They rushed in and sat down.

"You two stay late." She shook her head. "Mark and Jackson. Next time I will..."

"Aunt.." Mark looked at her.

"Don't wanna hear it." She gave him a pointed look.

The whole class made a Ooo sound. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, where were we." She looked at the board.

I looked down at the boys who were just talking. I shook my head.

Come in late and do nothing. What a joke. I thought to myself.

Even thought it was a thought the two boys looked up at me. I kept my eyes on them for a second before looking away. I ended up looking back at them, but only focusing on the dark brown haired one. There's something about him. I felt my heart beating. He looked at me. He squinted his eyes and turned his head slightly.

"That's it for today." She said getting my attention.

She packed her books and left. I shut down my laptop putting it in my bag. I grabbed my books and phone leaving. I walked passed him.

"Who is she?" I heard him say.



When you keep fighting, eventually you'll learn how to win

Dangerous Love | Jackson Wang fanficWhere stories live. Discover now