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Sometimes, I feel as if
I'm submerged underwater
Everyone's voices are muffled
It gets harder and harder to breathe
Then everything is silent
And the only sound I hear
Is the water running through my ears
For a minute I think nothing of it
I smile and enjoy the peacefulness of the water
I focus on how light and free I feel
I simply float
But then my eyes shoot open and my body starts to ache
I realize
I'm drowning
That's when it all goes to hell
My once serene escape
Has become my worst nightmare
I struggle and thrash and try to swim up
But it feels like there are weights chained to my arms and legs
I scream and feel the water boiling in my throat and lungs
I jerk and toss
I can't breathe
The water fills up my lungs
I stop fighting it
I just can't fight it anymore
I'm so tired.
So weak.
I can't be strong anymore
My eyelids become droopy
As I let out my last breath of air
And let the water
Sink in.

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