December 24th 3:11PM

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The afternoon light sparkled and glowed as it was reflected off of the surface of the ice rink. Children laughed in joy as they skated circles around their parents, the metal blades cutting lines into the smooth surface.

"I think you should realize something," Morgan said as she tied up the black laces on the rental skates she was putting onto her feet. She tugged on the laces and the shoe tightened against her foot.

"And what's that?" Henry asked, as he finished tying both of his laces. He noticed that Morgan only had one done and slid over, gently touching her leg to ask for it. She moved it over so he could tie the laces.

"I've never been ice skating," she stated as she finished the knot and sat up. Henry paused in tying and turned his head.

"You haven't?"

"Nope. My family didn't do the skating thing, we went snowboarding mostly, or had snowball fights," Morgan replied, wincing as Henry pulled the strings too tight on her foot.

"Shoot, sorry," he said as he loosened the strings.

"It's all good. So you've done this every year since you were?"

"Three. Mom would always bring us. Katie, Allison, and I would go after she passed, but we stopped coming a couple years ago," Henry stated as he finished tying the laces. He stood up onto the thin blades of metal and held out his hands to Morgan. She grabbed ahold of his and stood up, testing her balance. "I got you."

"This is really strange trying to balance on these," Morgan laughed as she took a step forward. Henry smiled and helped guide her to the ice. "Is it easier on the ice?" She asked with another laugh as she stepped out onto the slippery surface.

"You'll just have to find out," Henry laughed as Morgan tightened her grip on his hands. "Don't be afraid."

"I'm not afraid, just unsteady," Morgan said nervously as she watched her feet. Henry let go of one of her hands and slid around to her side, wrapping a hand around her waist to support her better. She watched his feet as they moved around the ring, trying to mimic his movements.

"I think I'm getting it," Morgan stated as she slowly drifted away from Henry, grabbing just his forearm for support.

"You are catching on fast," he laughed as they turned a corner and she dropped his arm, holding out her arm for balance.

"I learn fast," she said, straightening out her back. She began to wobble and Henry slid closer, ready to grab her. "Don't! I think I got it!" Henry kept his arms out, but he retracted them away from her body. Her arms wiggled as she found her center of balance.

"Snowboarding, huh?" Henry asked as Morgan straightened herself out, her arms still out away from her sides for balance. A small kid went by and waved with a red mittened hand. Morgan wiggled her fingers at the kid and he laughed.

"Yeah, we had a big hill and my cousins and I would have races to see who good go the fastest and who could hit the jump the best. It was so much fun," Morgan replied. She reached out and grabbed onto Henry's arm as she began to tip. He reached up, his fingers wrapping around her elbow.

"I always wanted to learn. I used to watch competitions on television of snowboarding competitions and dreamed I could do that to," Henry said. They moved in closer to the middle of the rink, making small laps around the tree that was placed in the center.

"I mean I'm not one of those guys on television, but I could always teach you what I know," Morgan stated, looking up at Henry. He cracked and smile and looked down at her.

"That'd be cool," he replied.

"It's especially cool when you fall in the snow," Morgan said a solemn look across her face. She could only hold the expression for a few seconds before breaking out into laughter.

"Why am I here with you again?" Henry asked, looking away with a smirk on his face.

"I don't know, you brought me here," Morgan replied, gently pushing Henry away from her. He let out a laugh and skated back towards her. She tried to skate away, but he easily caught up with her, grabbing her arm and pulling her back towards him. Losing her balance, her body slammed into his nearly knocking him off balance as well.

"Careful," Henry laughed, his arms around her waist as he helped her straighten back up. Her hands were on his shoulders as she steadied herself.

"Sorry," she breathed through a soft smile. Not thinking about what he was doing, Henry pulled her closer.

"Don't say that, you're fine," he whispered as he leaned in. Her eyes locked with his and she pressed her body closer to his. They moved in together, closer and closer. Morgan's eyes fluttered closed just milliseconds before their lips touched.  

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